
I ransom you from a Master who possessed my affection

أفديك من مولىً تملك خلتي

1. I ransom you from a Master who possessed my affection
With alien morals, so he became tyrannical when he ruled

١. أَفديكَ مِن مَولىً تَمَلَّكَ خِلَّتي
بِخَلائِقٍ غُرٍّ فَأَسجَحَ إِذ مَلَك

2. Were it not for what appears to us of his demeanor
And human traits, we would say he is an angel

٢. لَولا الَّذي يَبدو لَنا مِن هَيئَةٍ
وَخَلائِقٍ بَشَرِيَّةٍ قُلنا مَلَك

3. The yearner did not rein his steed toward you
Until he sees you, and he who hoped was not disappointed

٣. ما أَخفَقَ المُزجي إِلَيكَ رِكابَهُ
حَتّى يَراكَ وَلَم يَخِب مَن أَمَّلَك

4. What your hands possess of wealth belongs to us
And all the praise we bring is yours

٤. ما تَحتَويهِ يَداكَ مِن مالٍ لَنا
وَجَميعُ ما نَأتيهِ مِن مَدحٍ فَلَك

5. You rest at ease toward the farthest extent
Of generosity, so what he owns seems paltry to him

٥. تَرتاحُ لِلرّاجي إِلى أَقصى المَدى
كَرماً فَيَصغُرُ عِندَهُ ما يَمتَلِك

6. As if the breadth of the land did not please her
Regarding her suitor, so she came with the celestial sphere

٦. وَكَأَنَّها لَم تَرضَ ما في الأَرضِ مِن
عَرضٍ لِراجيها فَجاءَت بِالفَلَك

7. You have in the high places a dwelling the creation cannot reach
No climber can ascend to it, nor any angel

٧. لَكَ في المَعالي مَنزِلٌ أَعيا الوَرى
لا سوقَةٌ يَرقى إِلَيهِ وَلا مَلك