
Say to the noble one, you have severed the cord of my affection

قل للنجيب صرمت حبل مودتي

1. Say to the noble one, you have severed the cord of my affection
Though weary, my heart in your loyalty remains sincere

١. قُل لِلنَّجيبِ صَرَمتَ حَبلَ مَوَدَّتي
مَلَلاً وَقَلبي في وَلائِكَ مُخلِصُ

2. You took offense when I made your hair the object of my verse
And I lied, so it is, as you know, embellished

٢. أَغَضِبتَ حينَ جَعَلتُ شَعرَكَ مُذهَباً
وَكَذبتُ فَهوَ كَما عَلِمتَ مُرَصَّصُ