
You remain chaste in religion, hoped for and revered,

بقيت عفيف الدين ترجى وتتقى

1. You remain chaste in religion, hoped for and revered,
And the neighbor feels safe from the vicissitudes of fate through you.

١. بَقيتَ عَفيفَ الدينِ تُرجى وَتُتَّقى
وَيَأمَنُ مِن صَرفِ الزَمانِ بِكَ الجارُ

2. You dive deeply into the sea of eloquence
And take from it what you wish and choose.

٢. تَغوصُ عَلى دُرِّ الكَلامِ بِحارَهُ
فَتَأخُذُ مِنهُ ما تَشاءُ وَتَختارُ

3. You ask about two sisters, both of whom were lain with,
Whether that was licit, and about two sisters whose homes were one home,

٣. تُسائِلُ عَن أُختَينِ وَطؤُهُما مَعاً
حَلالٌ وَعَن أُختَينِ دارُهُما دارُ

4. And one of them was a slave whom he had freed,
And freeing her was valid – there was no shame for anyone in renouncing her.

٤. وَإِحداهُما ملكُ اليَمينِ وَعِتقُها
صَحيحٌ وَما في خَلعِها لِامريءٍ عارُ