
We blamed Ibn Shihab and said in reproaching him,

لمنا ابن شيث وقلنا في ملامته

1. We blamed Ibn Shihab and said in reproaching him,
"You were excessive in your love for Ibrahim, so be moderate."

١. لُمنا اِبنَ شيثٍ وَقُلنا في مَلامَتِهِ
أَسرَفتَ في حُبِّ إِبراهيمَ فَاِقتَصِدِ

2. An ugly face and despicable morals,
We never knew him to be beloved by anyone.

٢. وَجهٌ كَريهٌ وَأَخلاقٌ مُذَمَّمَةٌ
فَما عَلِمناهُ مَحبوباً إِلى أَحَدِ

3. He said while yearning made him weep and laugh,
"Do not rebuke me, for he is the egg of the country."

٣. فَقالَ وَالشَوقُ يُبكيهِ وَيُضحِكُهُ
لا تَعذلوني فَهَذا بيضَةُ البَلَدِ

4. With the eye of my heart I see him, not with your eyes.
Leave my blame - is there not among you a rightly guided brother?

٤. بِعَينِ قَلبي أَراهُ لا بِأَعيُنِكُم
ذَروا ملامي أَما فيكُم أَخو رَشَدِ

5. Indeed I touched his chin, and my hand fell
On nothing it touched but a lute string.

٥. لَقَد لَمستُ مُعَرّاهُ فَما وَقَعَت
مِمّا لَمَستُ يَدي إِلّا عَلى وَتِدِ