1. For God's sake, Qadi Dayndawz, for he
Is a judge; when he renders justice, he is deliberate and impartial.
١. لِلَّهِ قاضي دَينَدوزَ فَإِنَّهُ
قاضٍ إِذا أَسدى أَطالَ وَأَعرَضا
2. He performs his duties so well that his accomplishments
Dazzle, and their quality amazes those of the past.
٢. المُتقِنُ الأَعمالَ حَتّى أَنَّها
بَهَرَت وَأَعجَزَ صُنعُها مَن قَد مَضى
3. His palm has sheltered widows and orphans;
He has striven, so his efforts have become the true comfort.
٣. سَترَ الأَرامِلَ وَاليَتامى كَفُّهُ
وَسَعى فَأَصبَحَ سَعيُهُ عَينَ الرِضى
4. Without him, no one would have covered the nakedness
Of our dead, nor would any prayer have been acceptable.
٤. لَولاهُ لَم تُستَر لِمَيتٍ عَورَةٌ
فينا وَلا كانَت صَلاةٌ تُرتَضى
5. You only see him commanding right
And forbidding wrong, urging and rousing to action.
٥. ما إِن تَراهُ الدَهرَ إِلّا آمِراً
وَسطَ النَدِيِّ وَناهِياً وَمُحَرِّضا
6. How many destitutes has he protected from misery? Without
The work of your hands, they would have perished from the cold.
٦. كَم مِن فَقيرٍ صُنتَ مُهجَتَهُ وَلَو
لا صُنعُ كَفِّكَ كانَ مِن بَردٍ قَضى
7. He has erected the portico of a ruler which, without him,
Would have fallen into ruin and decay.
٧. وَرُواقِ ملكٍ أَنتَ شِدتَ ظِلالَهُ
لَولاكَ زالَ ظِلالُهُ وَتَقَوَّضا
8. When a man displays work he has done in the past,
He rolls up his accomplishments when they are past.
٨. أَصبَحتَ إِن نَشَرَ اِمرؤٌ مِن صُنعِهِ
ما قَد مَضى تَطوي الصَنيعَ إِذا مَضى
9. He has joined many a clan to his company, though the path to it
Was obscure, and he made its difficult course easy.
٩. وَلَرُبَّ مُنبَتٍّ وَصَلتَ بِصَحبِهِ
وَطَريقُهُ لِخَفائِهِ قَد أَغمَضا
10. How often has he raced to obtain the goal,
Lightening the heavy load, pleasing the mounter!
١٠. وَلَكَم رَكَضتَ فَنلتَ بِالرَكضِ المُنى
وَأَنَرتَ مَطوِيّاً وَرضتَ الرَيّضا
11. His fingers have clothed the meadows with green so lush
The clouds pour rain upon the countries and refresh them.
١١. وَكَسَت أَنامِلُكَ اليَراعَ وَشائِعاً
هُنَّ السَحابُ سَقى البِلادَ وَرَوَّضا
12. While others sleep through their neglect of some craft,
His eyes vigilantly refrain from slumber.
١٢. وَصَنيعَةٍ قَد باتَ غَيرُكَ نائِماً
عَنها وَجَفنُكَ ساهِرٌ ما غَمَّضا
13. His righteous acts, manifest and witnessed,
Are white: their performance brooks no delay.
١٣. مَعدودَةٍ مَمدودَةٍ مَشهودَةٍ
بَيضاءَ أَعجَلَ صُنعُها أَن يُقتَضى
14. Both his hands are outstretched in their fashioning,
Vying like the flashing of lightning.
١٤. كِلتا يَدَيكَ لِصُنعِها مَبسوطَةٌ
يَتَبارَيانِ كَلَمعِ بَرقٍ أَومَضا
15. What knight has he not clothed in ease,
His steed accoutred, and readied for the desired raid!
١٥. كَم فارِسٍ في راحَتَيكَ ثِيابُهُ
وَجَوادُهُ وَالمَشرفِيُّ المُنتَضى
16. If he wished to recount his deeds from the past,
Mortals would find the universe too cramped for them.
١٦. لَو رامَ نَشرَ صَنائِعٍ أَسدَيتَها
فيما مَضى بَشَرٌ لَضاقَ بِهِ الفَضا
17. He gives water in drought when clouds refuse it
And faces of misery are parched and frowning.
١٧. يَسقي إِذا بخلَ السَحابُ وَيُرتَوى
مِنهُ وَعارِضُ مُزنِهِ قَد أَعرَضا
18. So may God preserve the Caliph's deeds for us
And protect his feet from stumbling!
١٨. فَاللَهُ يُبقي لِلخَليفَةِ صُنعَهُ
وَيَقي لَنا قَدَمَيهِ مِن أَن تُدحَضا