
O people, my situation among you is strange

يا معشر الناس حالي بينكم عجب

1. O people, my situation among you is strange
And I have no supporters among you, O people

١. يا مَعشَرَ الناسِ حالي بَينَكُم عَجَبٌ
وَلَيسَ لي بَينَكُم يا قَومُ أَنصارُ

2. This is the son of Kamil, I had entrusted gold to him
A necklace that has no match in the eye

٢. هَذا اِبنُ كامِل قَد أَودَعتُهُ ذَهباً
صُيّابَةً ما لَها في العَينِ مِقدارُ

3. And I came to ask him for it, and he denied
In the market, that I gave him incenses and goods

٣. وَجِئتُ أَطلُبُها مِنهُ وَقَد عرَضَت
في السوقِ مِنّي لُباناتٍ وَأَوطارُ

4. So he stood shaking his sleeve and looking in
His box, and shouting "The mice have dragged it away"

٤. فَقامَ يَنفُضُ كميهِ وَيَنظُرُ في
صُندوقِهِ وَيُنادي جَرَّها الفارُ

5. I said no, the mice's horns, how much they have eaten
The orphans' money, and how much they have dragged and stolen

٥. فَقُلتُ لا شَبَّ قَرنُ الفارِ كَم أَكَلوا
مالَ اليَتامى وَكَم جَرُّوا وَكَم جاروا