1. You've been long-winded, so keep it short
Though you're not one to fall short elsewhere
١. طَوَّلتَ يا دَولعي فَقَصِّر
وَأَنتَ في غَيرِ ذا مُقَصِّر
2. It's all just verbiage, every bit
Some of which the people find offensive
٢. خَطابَةٌ كُلُّها خُطوبٌ
وَبَعضُها لِلوَرى مُنَفِّر
3. You keep offering while not knowing
As though you were some interpreter
٣. تَظَلُّ تَهدي وَلَستَ تَدري
كَأَنَّكَ المَغرِبِيّ المُفَسِّر