1. Have mercy on us, O noble one, for we are
Orphans, after the revered one's passing, in your care
١. عَطفاً عَلَينا يا عَزيزُ فَإِنَّنا
بَعدَ المُعَظَّمِ عِندَكُم أَيتامُ
2. For you are the best of guardians, so do not neglect
Your orphans, O son of nobles, lest they suffer
٢. وَلَأَنتَ خَيرُ الكافِلينَ فَلا تَدَع
أَيتامَكُم يا اِبنَ الكِرامِ تُضامُ
3. Far be it from your eternal glory, that we would stand
At another's door, while in your service, standing
٣. حاشا لِمَجدِكُم الأَثيلِ بِأَن نُرى
في بابِ غَيرِكُم وَنَحنُ قِيامُ