1. Convey my message to Al-Safiy, and say to him:
How his purity has changed and become turbid!
١. أَبلِغ رِسالَتِيَ الصَفِيَّ وَقُل لَهُ
كَيفَ اِستَحالَ صَفاؤُهُ وَتَكَدَّرا
2. O you who have turned away, his love and purity
Are not for sale to his patron from that which is bought and sold.
٢. يا مُعرِضاً ما وُدُّهُ وَصَفاؤُهُ
لِوَلِيِّهِ مِمّا يُباعُ وَيُشتَرى
3. How you have busied yourself with one servant over another
Who has committed no sin against your love nor lied.
٣. كَيفَ اِشتَغَلتَ بِخادِمٍ عَن خادِمٍ
ما جَرَّ جُرماً في هَواكَ وَلا اِفتَرى
4. And when will there be deliverance, when you have arrived at springs
From which it is impossible for you to flow forth?
٤. وَمَتى الخَلاصُ وَقَد وَرَدتَ مَوارِداً
هَيهاتَ عَن بُجرانِها أَن تَصدرا
5. If your wedding were to happen, I would wait for her divorce,
Or if it were postponed, I would hope it would be cancelled.
٥. لَو كانَ عِرسَكَ لَاِنتَظَرتُ طَلاقَها
أَو أَمرَداً لَرَجَوتُ أَن يَتَعَذَّرا