1. O son of the noble forefathers,
The first of the predecessors in generosity,
١. يا اِبنَ الكِرامِ الأَوَّليـ
ـنَ السابِقينَ إِلى المَكارِم
2. The first to battle
And the last in seizing the spoils,
٢. الأَوَّلينَ إِلى الوَغى
وَالآخِرينَ إِلى الغَنائِم
3. Look upon the flower of the meadow,
Blossoming as if the bloom of bliss,
٣. انظُر إِلى زَهرِ الرَبي
ـعِ كَأَنَّهُ زُهرُ النَعائِم
4. And the garden embroidered and adorned
By the coolness of its breeze like clasped clouds.
٤. وَالرَوضِ قَد رَقَمَت وَشا
ئِعَ بُردِهِ كَفُّ الغَمائِم
5. The crescent appeared like a silver boat
Upon the sea, afloat,
٥. وَبَدا الهِلالُ كَزَورَقٍ
مِن فِضَّةٍ في البَحرِ عائِم
6. So rise to drink the wine
And heed not the blamer in comfort.
٦. فَاِنهَض إِلى شربِ المُدا
مِ وَلا تُطِع في الراحِ لائِم
7. For our companion, heavy with liquor,
Is the most melodious, tender-eyed singer.
٧. فَنَديمُنا ثَمِلُ القَوا
مِ أَغَنُّ ساجي الطَرفِ ناعِم
8. No headband has he fastened
Except that it was bound with purpose.
٨. ما شَدَّ بَندَ قَبائِهِ
إِلّا وَحَلَّ بِهِ العَزائِم