1. The abode of sovereignty is a protected swordsmanship
Fortified, blessed in its foundation
١. وقال أيضاً:
2. A sword that gladdens you, its sheath and unsheathing
For an evening of Yūsuf and capturing souls
٢. مَرسى السِيادَةِ سُدَّةٌ سَيفِيَّةٌ
مَحروسَةٌ مَسعودَةُ التَأسيسِ
3. It surpassed the elite with conduct and path
Two envied traits as it walked like a chief
٣. سَيفٌ يَسُرُّكَ سُلُّهُ وَسُؤالهُ
لِمَساءَةٍ يوسي وَسَلبِ نُفوسِ
4. Its path was virtuous, its lineage sacred
And it ascended with ancestors, elite horsemen
٤. سَبقَ السَراةَ بِسيرَةٍ وَسَريرَةٍ
مَحسودَتَينِ وَسارَ سَيرَ رَئيسِ
5. Ancestors of masters, it ascended their session
The head of the dais and seat of instruction
٥. حَسُنَت سَريرَتُهُ قُدّسَ سِنخُهُ
وَسَما بِأَسلافٍ سَراةٍ شوسِ
6. Had they ruled and renewed with intelligence, no
Repealed inscription of its studied design
٦. أَسلافِ ساداتٍ سَما بِجُلوسِهِم
رَأسُ السَريرِ وَمَسنَدُ التَدريسِ
7. They instituted generosity so their asking exceeded
Thus their benevolence was harm with the weak
٧. وَلَو سادوا وَاِستَجَدّوا لِلسَخا ال
مَنسوخِ طاسِم رَسمِهِ المَدروسِ
8. And the flowing train of clouds is likened
To its magnanimity and hail of the heathen
٨. سَنّوا السَماحَ فَأَسرَفَت سُؤّالَهُم
فَإِساءَةٌ إِحسانُهُم بِالعيسِ
9. While the clouds withhold, I cannot compare them
To torrents of hail to the reserved clouds
٩. وَيَسُرُّ سارِيَةَ السَحابِ قِياسُها
بِسَماحِهِ وَبِسَيبِهِ المَبجوسِ
10. A delight to eloquent tongues, an evening that
Surpassed the horses of night and the wise
١٠. وَالسُحبُ مُمسكَةٌ فَلَستُ أَقيسُها
بِسيولِ سَيبٍ لِلسَّحابِ خَبوسِ
11. I glimpsed from the veils of its crown a radiance
I drew for my exquisite soul and peerless
١١. فَمَسَرَّةٌ لِلمُسنِتينَ مَساءَةٌ
سَبَقَت لِسَرحِ سَوامِهِ وَالكيسِ
12. I quenched it with a chain of sorcerous wine
Intoxicating to listeners, I offered it as a bride
١٢. آنَستُ مِن أَستارِ سُدَّتِهِ سَنا
قَبَسٍ فَسُقتُ نفيسَةً لِنَفيسِ
13. So imbibe it and revel in it, beauty whose
Splendor donned the name of You, best raiment
١٣. وَسَقَيتُها سَلسالَ سِحرٍ مُسكِرٍ
لِلسامِعينَ وَسُقتها كَعَروسِ
١٤. فَاِستَحلِها وَاِستَجلِها حَسناءَ أَلـ
ـبَسَها سَنا اِسمِكَ أَحسَنَ المَلبوسِ