
They nickname Al-Haraa with molasses, yet he is not

لقبوه الحرا بدبس وقد

1. They nickname Al-Haraa with molasses, yet he is not
Sweet, by the Lord of worshippers he has no sweetness.

١. لَقَّبوهُ الحرا بِدبسٍ وَقَد ما
نوا وَرَبِّ العِبادِ ما فيهِ دبسُ

2. And his brother Al-Haraa with oil, yet no oiliness,
So all the nicknames are lies and nonsense.

٢. وَأَخوهُ الحرا بِزَيتٍ وَلا زَيـ
ـتَ فَكُلُّ الأَلقابِ زورٌ وَلَبسُ

3. Al-Murtaza has become an abomination from Al-Saff,
In him hopes and guesses are lost.

٣. وَغَدا المُرتَضى نَهيكاً مِنَ الصَفـ
ـعِ وَقَد خابَ فيهِ ظَنٌّ وَحَدسُ

4. And their brother busies himself with lessons,
Yet has no learning and forgot his lessons.

٤. وَأَخوهُم لِلعِلمِ بِالدَرسِ مَشغو
لٌ وَلِلعِلمِ مِنهُ مَحوٌ وَدَرسُ

5. Their father, they are just so, not as he was,
So whoever meets them is unlucky.

٥. وَأَبوهُم هُم هكَذا كانَ لا كا
نَ فَمَن تَلقَ مِنهُمُ فَهُوَ نَحسُ

6. These chests are more cowardly than a coward,
Viler and more despicable.

٦. هَؤُلاءِ الصُدورُ أَدبرُ مِن دبـ
ــرٍ وَأَردى رَذالَةً وَأَخَسُّ