
A gaze I sent, an opportunity at hand

قدر متاح نظرة أرسلتها

1. A gaze I sent, an opportunity at hand
As though with a skilled archer I vied.

١. قَدَرٌ مُتاحٌ نَظرَةٌ أَرسَلتُها
فَكَأَنَّني ناضَلتُ أَحذقَ رامي

2. Shall I blame him that his arrows found
Their mark, though my own went wide?

٢. أَأَلومُهُ فيما جَنَتهُ سِهامُهُ
ما ذَنبُهُ الجاني عَلَيَّ سِهامي

3. No blame for him in my heart will I store,
Though from blamers I hide and secure.

٣. لا أَتَّقي فيهِ الملامَ لِأَنَّني
أَخفَيتُهُ في القَلبِ عَن لُوّامي