
What is the four-letter name though written with two

ما اسم رباعي الحروف وإنما

1. What is the four-letter name though written with two
And the correct one is just a single letter?

١. ما اِسمٌ رُباعِيُّ الحُروفِ وَإِنَّما
بِاثنَينِ يُكتَبُ وَالصَحيحُ فَواحِدُ

2. When I call upon it, I do not increase it
And if my supplication is answered, it is Eternal

٢. فَإِذا دَعَوتُ لَهُ فَلَستُ أَزيدُهُ
فَإِنِ اِستُجيبَ دُعايَ فَهوَ الخالِدُ

3. If it appears jumbled in a dream,
I wish I could sleep all my life

٣. وَلَو انَّهُ لي في المَنامِ مُصَحَّفٌ
لَوَدِدتُ أَنّي طولَ دَهري راقِدُ

4. You will find if you jumble and reverse it
It brings salvation, so clarify it as you are the critic

٤. وَتَراهُ إِن صَحَّفتَهُ وَعَكَستَهُ
يُنجي فَبَيّنهُ فَإِنَّكَ ناقِدُ