
I ransom a young man whose piercing intellect remains,

فديت فتى ما زال ثاقب فكره

1. I ransom a young man whose piercing intellect remains,
Who strings pearls of poetry with eloquence,

١. فَديتُ فَتىً ما زالَ ثاقِبُ فِكرِهِ
يُقَلّدُ دراً مِن نَفائِسِ نظمِهِ

2. And in all matters remains ever triumphant,
With the length of his hands and his true determination,

٢. فَلا زالَ في كُلِّ الأُمورِ مُظَفَّراً
بِطولِ أَياديهِ وَصادِقِ عَزمِهِ

3. I find you continually posing a riddle,
Which the intellects of people fall short of grasping,

٣. أَجِدَّكَ ما تَنفَكُّ تُلغِزُ مُشكلاً
تُقَصِّرُ أَلبابُ الوَرى دونَ فهمِهِ

4. And your breath of poetry gives off a fragrance,
Of musk, so let it be a ransom for its final verse.

٤. وَقَد ضاعَ مِن أَنفاسِ نظمِكَ نَفحَةٌ
مِنَ المِسكِ فَاجعَلها فِداماً لِختمِهِ