1. Of lineage pure, for a time I loved her,
Honored her dwelling and strove her to bless.
١. وَتركِيةِ الأَنسابِ طوراً أُحِبُّها
فَأكرمُ مَثواها وَأُعنَى بِبِرِّها
2. I frequented her till I wearied of her,
And the sweetness of life was in long severance.
٢. أُواصِلُها حَتّي إِذا ما مَلِلتُها
رَأَيتُ لَذيذَ العيشِ في طولِ هَجرِها
3. I left her to parents and friends that would guide her,
Well-wishers wise, to take care of her youth.
٣. خَلفتُ لَها آباءَها وَوَكلتُها
إِلى ناصِحٍ طَبٍّ خَبيرٍ بِسِرِّها
4. She came as I wished, no too short, no too tall,
No fault or excess in the world found in her.
٤. فَجاءَت عَلى ما اِختَرتُ لا الطولُ شانَها
وَلا قالَ فيها الناسُ عَيباً لِقصرِها
5. In a robe embroidered I clad her, to finish
Her raiment, and make her in glory complete.
٥. وَأَلبَستُها ثَوباً مِنَ الوَشي مُعلَماً
لِإِتمامِ مَعناها وَإِكمالِ فَخرِها
6. No night in time but I fled from her precincts,
No union but sunrise revealed her to me.
٦. وَما لَيلَةٌ في الدَهرِ إِلّا هَجَرتُها
فَلا وَصلَ حَتّى تَستَنيرَ بِفَجرِها
7. Once she was food my hunger to please,
Now absence from her contents and feeds me.
٧. وَكانَت زَماناً يُستَلذُّ بِبَطنِها
وَلكِنَّني أَلتَذُّ مِنها بِظَهرِها