
I sought the auspices of Sa'd Allah in his name,

تيممت سعد الله للفأل باسمه

1. I sought the auspices of Sa'd Allah in his name,
Yet I did not attain Sa'd Allah's favor, had I any wisdom.

١. تَيَمَّمتُ سَعدَ اللَهِ لِلفَألِ بِاسمِهِ
وَلَم آتِ سَعدَ اللَهِ لَو كانَ لي عَقلُ

2. And I said "A youth from cultured Doha,
Whose branch is similar in fragrance and origin."

٢. وَقُلتُ فَتىً مِن دَوحَةٍ عَرَبِيَّةٍ
تَشابَه مِنها الفرعُ في الطيبِ وَالأصلُ

3. Yet I did not know that the Armenian woman was his wet nurse,
And in Armenian women are impurity and stinginess.

٣. وَلَم أَدرِ أَنَّ الأَرمَنِيَّةَ ظِئرُهُ
وَفي الأَرمَنِيّاتِ النَجاسَةُ وَالبُخلُ

4. I cling to him like an apostate clinging to religion,
I devote myself to him; my occupation, apart from his occupation, an occupation.

٤. أَظَلُّ كَمُرتَدّ عَنِ الدينِ عاكِفاً
أُلازِمُهُ مالي سِوى شُغلِهِ شُغلُ

5. I go to him in peace and take lunch
At his door while the day is still an infant.

٥. أَروحُ إِلَيهِ بِالسَلامِ وَأَغتَدي
إِلى بابِهِ وَاليَومُ في مَهدِهِ طِفلُ

6. Yet I am nothing but one taking shade beneath a hut
Of thorns, in it no harvest for me, nor shade.

٦. فَما كُنتُ إِلّا مُستَظِلّاً بِعشبَةٍ
مِنَ الشَوكِ ما فيها جَنىً لي وَلا ظِلُّ