1. May the Syrian lightning flash and its clouds rumble,
So the fortresses of heat and their expanses wither,
١. عَسى البارِقُ الشامِيُّ يَهمِيَ سَحابُهُ
فَتَخضَلَّ أَثباجُ الحِمى وَرِحابُهُ
2. And the morning breeze blows gently on both its sides,
As if it was let loose from a Hadhrami cloak and its wraps.
٢. وَتَسري الصَبا في جانِبَيهِ عَليلَةً
كَما فُتِقَت مِن حَضرَمِيٍّ عِيابُهُ
3. My friend, I have nothing to do with the peninsula, I do not see
Any phantom of water that would please me with its reproach.
٣. خَليليَّ مالي بِالجَزيرَةِ لا أَرى
لِلَمياءَ طَيفاً يَزدَهيني عِتابُهُ
4. So one who hopes to spend the night as a guest,
In the plateau without the downpours of its rain,
٤. فَيا مَن لِراجٍ أَن تَبيتَ مُغِذَّةً
بِبَيداءَ دونَ الماطِرونَ رِكابُهُ
5. When the mountains of Rayyan appear, their domes shine,
To my eyes, and their plateaus on Sanir shine.
٥. إِذا جَبَلُ الرَيّانِ لاحَت قِبابهُ
لِعَيني وَلاحَت مِن سَنيرٍ هِضابُهُ
6. And a wind blew to us, coming from the heat,
Talking about what its wraps had carried.
٦. وَهَبَّت لَنا ريحٌ أَتَتنا مِنَ الحِمى
تحَدّثُ عَمّا حَمَّلَتها قِبابُهُ
7. And the snow-capped mountains bloomed like flowers, as if
They are remnants of white hair faded from henna.
٧. وَقامَت جِبالُ الثَلجِ زُهراً كَأَنَّها
بَقِيَّةُ شَيبٍ قَد تَلاشى خِضابُهُ
8. And the palaces of the Gouta appeared as if they were
Ships on a sea whose foam was turbulent.
٨. وَلاحَت قُصورُ الغوطَتَينِ كَأَنَّها
سَفائِنُ في بَحرٍ يَعُبُّ عُبابُهُ
9. And an eagle turned away from the praying-place in the morning
As clouds turned away the light of day.
٩. وَأَعرَضَ نِسرٌ لِلمُصَلّى غَدِيَّةً
كَما اِنجابَ عَن ضَوءِ النَهارِ ضَبابُهُ
10. I kissed the ground seeking remedy in its soil,
But who do I have to cure my sickness with his soil?
١٠. لَثمتُ الثَرى مُستَشفِياً بِتُرابِهِ
وَمَن لي بِأَن يَشفي غَليلي تُرابُهُ
11. And asking about us - no ignorance remains
Which I uncovered, so its doubts disappeared.
١١. وَمُستَخبِرٍ عَنّا وَما مِن جَهالَةٍ
كَشَفتُ الغِطا عَنهُ فَزالَ اِرتِيابُهُ
12. And I remembered the days of Damietta between us
And the enemy, while its stakes plummeted.
١٢. وَأَذكَرتُهُ أَيّامَ دِمياط بَينَنا
وَبَينَ العدى وَالمَوتُ تَهوي عُقابُهُ
13. And an army whose chests mixed with our chests,
With an army of enemies defeated and subdued.
١٣. وَجَيشاً خَلَطناهُ رِحابٌ صُدورُهُ
بِجَيشٍ مِنَ الأَعداءِ غُلبٍ رِقابُهُ
14. The tips of the spears were darkened with blood,
And the noble one was unrecognized by his kin.
١٤. وَقَد شَرقَت زرقُ الأَسِنَّةِ بِالدما
وَأَنكَرَ حَدَّ المَشرَفيِّ قِرابُهُ
15. We routed every attacker and every coward recoiled,
We left them in the land and sea as flesh
١٥. وَعَرَّدَ إِلّا كُلَّ ذمرٍ مغامِسٍ
وَنَكَّبَ إِلّا كُلَّ زاكٍ نِصابُهُ
16. Shared by its whales and wolves.
And a day at Qaimoon, its waves swelled with
١٦. تَرَكناهُم في البَحرِ وَالبَرِّ لُحمَةً
تُقاسِمُهُم حيتانُهُ وَذِئابُهُ
17. The blue of its enemies, and its path narrowed.
We scattered the honored heads in the valley,
١٧. وَيَوماً عَلى القيمونِ ماجَت مُتونُهُ
بِزرقِ أَعاديهِ وَغَصَّت شِعابُهُ
18. For each brother of terrible might and strong build.
We pleased the kings of the earth with loot and spears,
١٨. نَثرنا عَلى الوادي رُؤوساً أَعزَّةً
لِكُلِّ أَخي بَأسٍ مَنيعٍ جِنابُهُ
19. So those from every region submitted to us.
How many young men did the swords mark their necks,
١٩. وَرَضنا مُلوكَ الأَرضِ بِالبيضِ وَالقَنا
فَذَلَّ لَنا مِن كُلِّ قطرٍ صِعابُهُ
20. And how many gray-haired men did henna color?
And how many times did we raid the land of honored tribes,
٢٠. فَكَم أَمردٍ خَطَّ الحُسامُ عذارَهُ
وَكَم أَشيبٍ كانَ النَجيعَ خِضابُهُ
21. Not departing until their buildings collapsed!
And how many days of horror, our space narrowed,
٢١. وَكَم قَد نَزَلنا ثُغرَ قَومٍ أَعزَّةٍ
فَلَم نَرتَحِل حَتّى تَداعى خرابُهُ
22. We stayed patient, while death burned its fangs!
Walking under the banner with a praised one,
٢٢. وَكَم يَوم هولٍ ضاقَ فيهِ مَجالُنا
صَبَرنا لَهُ وَالمَوتُ يُحرقُ نابُهُ
23. Noble, pure are his clothes.
Noble like the chest of Samahri, polished are
٢٣. يَسيرُ بِنا تَحتَ اللِواءِ مُمَدَّحٌ
كَريمُ السَجايا طاهِراتٌ ثِيابُهُ
24. His quarters, good natured, pure his inner essence.
From the people, warrior of calamities, glorious,
٢٤. نَجيبٌ كَصَدرِ السَمهَرِيِّ مُنَجَّحَ الـ
ـسَرايا كَريمُ الطَبعِ صافٍ لُبابُهُ
25. Traced back in lineage to the generous Ayyubs.
He relieved the straits of the people through his spears,
٢٥. مِنَ القَومِ وَضّاح الأَسِرَّةِ ماجِدٌ
إِلى آلِ أَيّوبَ الكِرامِ اِنتِسابُهُ
26. And scattered the unity of disbelief through his attacks.
And the face of religion after its gloominess
٢٦. فَفَرَّجَ ضيقَ القَومِ عَنّا طعانُهُ
وَشَتَّتَ شَملَ الكُفرِ عَنّا ضِرابُهُ
27. Became serene, without him, its depression would have prolonged.
A jihad for the sake of God, supporting His religion,
٢٧. وَأَصبَحَ وَجهُ الدينِ بَعدَ عَبوسِهِ
طَليقاً وَلَولاهُ لَطالَ اِكتِئابُهُ
28. And in obedience to God Almighty, seeking His reward.
I protected the sanctuary of Islam, so religion is safe,
٢٨. جِهادٌ لِوَجهِ اللَهِ في نَصرِ دينِهِ
وَفي طاعَةِ اللَهِ العَزيزِ اِحتِسابُهُ
29. Repelling its extremities, fearing its side.
I wanted none but your wellbeing,
٢٩. حَمَيت حِمى الإِسلامِ فَالدينُ آمِنٌ
تُذادُ أَقاصيهِ وَيُخشى جِنابُهُ
30. For the sake of this religion, not abundant wealth as its reward.
٣٠. وَما بغيَتي إِلّا بَقاؤُكَ سالِماً
لِذا الدينِ لا مالٌ جَزيلٌ أُثابُهُ