1. A well-wisher brought love between us
And drew me close on the day of parting to my death
١. جَرى ناصِحٌ بِالوُدِّ بَيني وَبَينَها
فَقَرَّبَني يَومَ الحِصابِ إِلى قَتلي
2. So part of my heart flew away with her
And her tent rope joined my rope
٢. فَطارَت بِحَدٍّ مِن فُؤادي وَقارَنَت
قَريبَتُها حَبلَ الصَفاءِ إِلى حَبلي
3. So I cannot forget our stopping places
Hers and mine, by the palm trees
٣. فَما أَنسَ مِلأَشياءِ لا أَنسَ مَوقِفي
وَمَوقِفَها وَهناً بِقارِعَةِ النَخلِ
4. When we stopped I knew her feeling
Was like mine, step matching step
٤. فَلَمّا تَواقَفنا عَرَفتُ الَّذي بِها
كَمِثلِ الَّذي بي حَذوَكَ النَعلَ بِالنَعلِ
5. She hurried off like a wild deer
To a stopping place among the sand hills by the palms
٥. فَعاجَت بِأَمثالِ الظِباءِ نَواعِمٍ
إِلى مَوقِفٍ بَينَ الحَجونِ إِلى النَخلِ
6. And said to her girl friends with fawn-like eyes
"It's too long to yearn and stand waiting for him"
٦. فَقالَت لِأَترابٍ لَها شَبَهِ الدُمى
أَطَلنَ التَمَنّي وَالوُقوفَ عَلى شُغلي
7. And she said to them "Go back a little so we can
Reproach him or ask him to return to his friends"
٧. وَقالَت لَهُنَّ اِرجِعنَ شَيئاً لَعَلَّنا
نُعاتِبُ هَذا أَو يُراجِعُ في وَصلِ
8. They said "It's late and our people are near
Are you tired of riding your camel?"
٨. فَقُلنَ لَها هَذا عِشاءٌ وَأَهلُنا
قَريبٌ أَلَمّا تَسأَمي مَركَبَ البَغلِ
9. She said "Do as you wish" and they said "Get down
The ground is better than standing with burdens"
٩. فَقالَت فَما شِئتُنَّ قُلنَ لَهَ اِنزِلي
فَلَلأَرضُ خَيرٌ مِن وُقوفٍ عَلى رَحلِ
10. And they gathered around her like fawns
Each ransomable by love and kinsmen
١٠. وَقُمنَ إِلَيها كَالدُمى فَاكتَنَفنَها
وَكُلٌّ يُفَدّى بِالمَوَدَّةِ وَالأَهلِ
11. Starry-eyed gazelles clustered around
A full moon with no lack or decline
١١. نُجومٌ دَرارِيٌ تَكَنَّفنَ صورَةً
مِنَ البَدرِ وافَت غَيرُ هَوجٍ وَلا نُكلِ
12. I greeted her and drew confidence that no
Enemy would see me or spy witness against me
١٢. فَسَلَّمتُ وَاِستَأنَستُ خيفَةَ أَن يَرى
عَدوٌ مَكاني أَو يَرى كاشِحٌ فِعلي
13. She unveiled her face saying "Here there is
None but an intimate without kinsmen"
١٣. فَقالَت وَأَرخَت جانِبَ السِترِ إِنَّما
مَعي فَتَحَدَّث غَيرَ ذي رِقبَةٍ أَهلي
14. I said "They have no claim over me
But my secret is too much for the likes of me"
١٤. فَقُلتُ لَها ما بي لَهُم مِن تَرَقُّبٍ
وَلَكِنَّ سِرّي لَيسَ يَحمِلُهُ مِثلي
15. When our talk fell short of them
And they were like doctors at the sick man's need
١٥. فَلَمّا اِقتَصَرنا دونَهُنَّ حَديثَنا
وَهُنَّ طَبيباتٍ بِحاجَةِ ذي التَبلِ
16. They knew her love so said "Permit us
To enjoy for an hour the sweet night and plain"
١٦. عَرَفنَ الَّذي تَهوى فَقُلنَ لَها اِئذَني
نَطُف ساعَةٌ في طيبِ لَيلٍ وَفي سَهلِ
17. She said "Do not be long" They said "Talk on
We came to you flowing like the sands"
١٧. فَقالَت فَلا تَلبَثنَ قُلنَ تَحَدَّثي
أَتَيناكِ وَاِنسَبنَ اِنسِيابَ مَها الرَملِ
18. They left realizing that they had done
What they did for her sake and mine
١٨. فَقُمنَ وَقَد أَفهَمنَ ذا اللُبِّ أَنَّما
فَعَلنَ الَّذي يَفعَلنَ في ذاكَ مِن أَجلي
19. And she stayed perfuming me with musk in the gloom
A singing camel driver keeping silent
١٩. وَباتَت تَمُجُّ المِسكَ في فِيَّ غادَةٌ
بَعيدَةُ مَهوى القُرطِ صامِتَةُ الحَجلِ
20. Turning the eyes of a gazelle browsing the pasture
Yearning for the freedom of an untamed foal
٢٠. تُقَلِّبُ عَينَي ظَبيَةٍ تَرتَعي الخَلى
وَتَحنو عَلى رَخصِ الشَوى أَغيَدٍ طَفلِ
21. Baring a meadow the youth and early rains
Had uncovered from high ground and obstruction
٢١. وَتَفتَرُّ عَن كَالأُقحُوانِ بِرَوضَةٍ
جَلَتهُ الصَبا وَالمُستَهِلُّ مِنَ الوَبلِ
22. I dream of her at every evening and dawn
And increase my prayers when my feet grow numb
٢٢. أَهيمُ بِها في كُلِّ مُمسىً وَمُصبَحٍ
وَأُكثِرُ دَعواها إِذا خَدِرَت رِجلي