1. Who but the invisible saints, the zealous ones
The rightly guided, guides the wandering, despondent one
١. من للفقير المشتكي من حاله
والمذنب المحزون من أفعاله
2. My masters, your slave lingers at your door
Distressed is his state and confused his situation
٢. إلا رجال الغيب أصحاب الحمى
أهل الهدى للحائر المتواله
3. He persisted in sins in all his affairs
And companied evil in his actions
٣. يا سادتي عبد على أعتابكم
ضاق المقام به وضاع بحاله
4. He rode sins and sailed the seas of passion
And came to forbidden pastures wearing the garb of misguidance
٤. لزم الخطايا في جميع أموره
واستصحب العصيان في أعماله
5. Ashamed, sad, fearful of his sin
Burdened to his back with its weight
٥. ركب الذنوب وسار في بحر الهوى
وأتى الرحاب مسربلاً بضلاله
6. He walked the path, following your way
Yet wasted your companionship with his words
٦. خجل كئيب خائف من ذنبه
وجل حتى الظهر من أثقاله
7. And came with a claim of love, knocking at your door
With the shackles of ignorance bound to his tale
٧. سلك الطريق مقلداً بسلوككم
وأضاع خدمة سلككم بمقاله
8. And refused to repent without attaining your patronage
Despite knowing his shortcoming in his ways
٨. وأتى بدعوى الحب يقرع بابكم
والجهل منعقد على أذياله
9. The calamities of his sins have swept your gardens
And the birds of his temptations told of his hopes
٩. وأبى الإياب بغير نيل نوالكم
مع علمه التقصير في منواله
10. So by your right, be generous to him as he wishes
And show kindness, pitying his state
١٠. وشدت بلابل ذنبه برياضكم
وحكت طيور غواه عن آماله
11. And honor him with a merciful glance
And join the ropes of your patronage to his
١١. فبحقكم جودوا له بمراده
وتحننوا عطفاً على أحواله
12. And take him into the sea of your shelter and unveil
His afflictions by delivering him from his anguish
١٢. وتكرموا لطفاً عليه بنظرةٍ
وصلوا حبال نوالكم بحباله
13. My masters, be generous for the sanctity of your worth
For your slaves have become like a mirage
١٣. وخذوه في بحر الحناية واكشفوا
بلواه بالإخراج من أوحاله
14. They have become strangers, displaced from their tribes
Scattered from their homes and families
١٤. يا سادتي كرماً بعزة قدركم
فعبيدكم أضحى كشخص خياله
15. His friend cries for him longingly
While his enemy rejoices at his misery
١٥. أمسى غريباً نازحاً عن أهله
ومشتتاً عن بيتهم وعياله
16. Far be it from you to abandon a child of yours
Whose family now cries for their young
١٦. فصديقه يبكي عليه تشوقاً
وعدوه في فرحة لنكاله
17. For you is generosity, for none but you
And privilege - your house gleams with its crescent moon
١٧. حاشاكموا أن تتركوا طفلاً لكم
أبكاه بعد الدار عن أطفاله
18. Yours is the station of pride that shines in the world
Like the sun with its rising and setting
١٨. لكم المروة لا لغير جنابكم
والفضل هيكلكم بنور هلاله
19. And yours is the hand of aid, from your Lord
Inclined by the secret of His beauty and majesty
١٩. ولكم مقام الفخر يلمع في الورى
كالشمس لاح بحاله وبقاله
20. And yours is the news from the unseen by way of inspiration
And attaining the Messenger and his progeny
٢٠. ولكم يد المدد التي من ربكم
منحنت بسر جماله وجلاله
21. My masters - at your door hopes the yearner
Cut off from his tribe and his men
٢١. ولكم عن الغيب التلقي في السرا
ولكم وصول بالرسول وآله
22. He left the intermediaries, flying to you
For your doorstep suffices to solve his problems
٢٢. يا سادتي وجل ببابكم التجا
متنصلاً عن أهله ورجاله
23. How many destitutes upon your gaze
The birds of pride fluttered beneath their shadows
٢٣. ترك الوسائط طائراً بجنابكم
وجنابكم كفؤ لحل عقاله
24. Show kindness to your feeble slave with a glance
By which reform may come to his damaged state
٢٤. كم من فقيرٍ كان مذكنتم له
رقصت طيور الفخر تحت ظلاله
25. While people enjoy union, he remains cut off
So cease from estranging him - make his desolation his consolation
٢٥. حنوا على العبد الضعيف بنظرة
يأتي الصلاح بها لمفسد حاله
26. His state is miserable while he still hopes
For your favor - so bring him nearer to his hopes
٢٦. فالناس في وصل وذاك بقطعة
فكفى الجفا منواله بوصاله
27. For with but a breath of your gaze upon him
He will live again - that breath will revive his family
٢٧. أمسى ذليل الحال وهو مؤمل
إحسانكم فادنواه من آماله
28. Far be it after standing at your door
That you deny him that which is on his mind
٢٨. فبنفحه أن تنظروه بعطفكم
يحيى ويسرى ذاك منه لآله
29. Make the means Ahmad the succor, who
Inherited the patronage from his father and uncle
٢٩. حاشاكموا بعد الوقوف ببابكم
أن تمنعوا عنه الذي في باله
30. Pole of the world, the lion, our Shaykh Refa'i
In whose shade the saints take shelter
٣٠. جعل الوسيلة أحمد الغوث الذي
ورث العناية عن أبيه وخاله
31. The sign of spiritual men, guide of every path
Pole around whom all turn, his state reflects theirs
٣١. قطب الورى الأسد الرفاعي شيخنا
من تستظل الأوليا بظلاله
32. Crown of shayks in Iraq and lands beyond
The imam to emulate in his perfection
٣٢. علم الرجال أمام كل طريقة
قطب الجميع وحالهم من حاله
33. So by his right, and the right of his adherents
And his party, army, progeny and house
٣٣. تاج المشايخ في العراق وغيرها
وهو الإمام المقتدي بكماله
34. And by the right of the Allah’s pole and the saints’ patron
Who drowned seekers in his endless bestowals
٣٤. فبحقه وبحق أهل طريقه
وبحزبه وبجيشه وبآله
35. Sun of Iraq, essence of aid, whose states
Bear witness to his conditions
٣٥. وبحق بان اللَه قطب الأوليا
من أغرق الطلاب من أفضاله
36. And my master, savior of his times’ prisoner
Rescuer of the disgraced from their chains
٣٦. شمس العراق حقيقة المدد الذي
أطواره دلت على أحواله
37. And in the presence of Shaykh Disuqi, who settled
The affairs of saints through his perfections's sign
٣٧. وبسيدي النبيو غوث زمانه
منجي أسير الذل من أغلاله
38. And in the presence of Shaykh Ahmad, our hunter
Reviver of our path with his beauty’s light
٣٨. وبحضرة الشيخ الدسوقي من أقر
ر الأوليا بعلي كامل حاله
39. And by every pole who attained gnosis of their Lord
And every Shaykh transcending his peers
٣٩. وبحضرة الصياد أحمد شيخنا
محي طريقتنا بنور جماله
40. And all of Allah’s people - and specifically the pole
To whose wisdom the age returned and speech
٤٠. وبكل قطب عارف في ربه
وبكل شيخ فاق عن أمثاله
41. And all of you - pardon a slave of yours
And bear well what burden he carried
٤١. وبجميع أهل اللَه بالقطب الذي
رجع الزمان لرأيه ومقاله
42. And with a kind caress enable him to attain his hopes
Be generous, do not deprive him of his aspirations
٤٢. وبكم جميعاً سامحوا عبداً لكم
وتحملوا ما كان من أثقاله
43. For he has vicious dogs who rejoiced at what
The separation heaved upon him of anguish
٤٣. وبعطفكم قوموا لنيل مراده
كرماً ولا تقصوه عن آماله
44. They envied him since you backed him and overstepped
In their villainy, envious of his phantom
٤٤. فله كلاب أذية فرحوا بما
نقر الفراق عليه من جلجاله
45. They thought the carpet of your honor folded from him
And he woke regretting his state
٤٥. حسدوه مذ كنتم له وتطاولوا
من لؤمهم حسداً لبغض خياله
46. He is your child - and it would be a disgrace
For the dogs’ paws to wreak havoc on your cubs
٤٦. ظنوا بأن بساط عزكم انطوى
عنه وأصبح نادماً في حاله
47. Is it not jealousy that the hand of your generosity
Leaves the envious boiling with animosity’s schemes?
٤٧. هو طفلكم والسبع عيب أن يرى
أيدي الكلاب تصول في أشباله
48. Is it not a breath or glance or succor
To raise your beloved to attain his prize?
٤٨. هل غيرة من باب جانب جودكم
تبقى الحسود بغيظ كيد ضلاله
49. So by your right - his state has not parted
From your doors nor shall his face see any change
٤٩. هل نفحة هل نظرة هل غوثةٌ
ترقى خويدكم لنيل مناله
50. Succor and help! My masters, O my masters!
For my tears grow weary of flowing
٥٠. فوحقكم ما حال عن أبوابكم
أبداً ولا وجهاً يرى لحاله
51. It has dug cheeks and cut the cheeks’ streams
To streak the face - so be close to your soldier!
٥١. غوثاً وعوناً سادتي يا سادتي
فالدمع قد أعيا من إرساله
52. He is the lowly Khalidi, Abul Huda
Seeker of patronage’s grace from its valiant granter
٥٢. حفر الخدود وجر أخدود العنى
بالوجه فالتف بضي زلاله
53. The poem is concluded with prayers and peace
Upon the beloved Guide and his family
٥٣. فهو الحقير الخالدي أبو الهدى
راجي نواله الفيض من أبطاله
54. And upon all his companions and those who tread
The way he set by the command of his perfection
٥٤. ختم القصيدة بالصلاة مسلماً
فيها على الهادي الحبيب وآله
55. And upon the invisible saints who never deviated
From aiding the complaining destitute in his life
٥٥. وعلى جميع الصحب والقوم الذي
ن مشوا على منواله أمر كماله
٥٦. وعلى رجال الغيب ما حادشدا
من للفقير المشتكي من حاله