1. The spirit longs for the meadows' bend,
Going to it with yearning, and leaves.
١. حنت لفيفاء البطاح الروح
تغدو اليها لوعة وتروح
2. Its breezes played with it, so the heart in
Its spaces is smitten with passion for it.
٢. لعبت بها نسماتها فالقلب في
ارجائها شغفا بها مطروح
3. How much the friend laughed, yet my longing
I still weep for its land and lament.
٣. لهفاه كم ضحك الخلي ولوعة
ما زلت ابكي ارضها وانوح
4. Its love captivated my mind's rapture
So I refused all that gives joy.
٤. فتكت محبتها بمهجة صبها
فلمتنها مما يكن شروح
5. Al-Adhool said: "Cast off the heart of her love,"
I replied: "Until the soul departs."
٥. قال العذول اطرح صميم غرامها
فاجبته حتى تروح الروح
6. O you who lived in hearts, so welcome
In them, and the signs of love are apparent,
٦. يا من سكنتم في القلوب فرحبكم
فيها وآيات الغرام فسيح
7. And of wonders is my concealment in
My love for you, yet with hiding I confess,
٧. ومن العجائب مذهبي الكتمان في
حبي لكم ومع الخفاء ابوح
8. Your domes shone for us in Iraq
So the blood of the loyal there is spilled.
٨. لاحت لنا ضمن العراق قبابكم
فدم الموله عندها مسفوح
9. How can one enjoy, when the lightning of Obaidah
Flashes from the tower of these domes?
٩. كيف السلو وبرق ام عبيدة
من برج هاتيك القباب يلوح
10. Greet in his state Abu Al-Awajiz Ahmad
And his condition at Shanaa is explained.
١٠. حيا بحال ابي العواجز احمد
وله بشنأة حاله تصريح
11. He is the Shaykh of Allah's people, who organized them,
And for them with his strong pull there are openings.
١١. هو شيخ اهل الله عقد نظامهم
ولهم بجاذبه القوي فتوح
12. Succor upon his necklaces of ambergris the scent
Of the traits of the Messenger emanates.
١٢. غوث على اردانه مسك العبا
بطراز احوال الرسول يفوح
13. And for you with his title his name has reached
The secret of healing the hearts' wounds.
١٣. ولكم بندبة اسمه قد ادركت
سر الشفاء من القلوب جروح
14. The lantern of the Messenger's proof and the elite
Of Batool's lineage and her praised grandson.
١٤. نبراس برهان الرسول ومنتقى
آل البتول وشبلها الممدوح
15. And the son who obtained with his fire the closeness
Of the Friend, so by him Nuh hopes.
١٥. وابن الذي نال الخليل بناره
اسعافه وبه توسل نوح
16. The honor shone among the celestial stars
So for him the bright dawn is evident.
١٦. شرف تالق في اساجيف العلا
فله على الفجر المنير وضوح
17. And the pride of a house whose glory
Cannot be surpassed, all pride is granted to his glory.
١٧. وفخار بيت لا يسامى مجده
كل الفخار لمجده ممنوح
18. A house upon whose door favors cluster
And for it dawn and dusk.
١٨. بيت تناط المكرمات ببابه
ولها غبوق عنده وصبوح
19. O Lord, join us to the rope of its men,
Generously, for Your door to the hopeful is open.
١٩. يا رب الحقنا بحبل رجاله
كرما فبابك للرجا مفتوح
20. And include in Your generosity, O Bountiful, our sins,
For the Bountiful overlooks sins.
٢٠. واشمل بجودك يا كريم ذنوبنا
ان الكريم عن الذنوب صفوح
21. And make our place in the Resurrection, O Holy One,
In the shade of the Hashimi, O Glorious.
٢١. واجعل بظل الهاشمي مقامنا
في الحشر يا قدوس يا سبوح