1. Time has renewed what fate once decreed
And revived the path of the people, the secret now clear
١. لقد جدد البرهان ما اخلق الدهر
واحيا طريق القوم واتضح السر
2. The people of wisdom are happy with it, as I have attained
Through its clarification what minds had missed
٢. وطابت به اهل النهى حبث احرزت
بتبيانه ما ضل عن نيله الفكر
3. A noble book, in its pages revealed
Meanings, its proof protected by command and decree
٣. كتاب كريم في صحائفه انجلت
معان حمى برهانها النهي والامر
4. A book by which the darkness is illuminated for the sincere
And falsehoods dispelled, breasts expanded
٤. كتاب به يجلى القتام لمخلص
وتندفع الاسوا وينشرح الصدر
5. A book in which shines the light of Shariah
What matter if a lifetime is spent to gain it?
٥. كتاب به نور الشريعة ظاهر
فما ضر لو يفدى لتحصيله العمر
6. The people had lost it for a time in their heedlessness
In the dark night, the full moon is sought
٦. لقد فقدته القوم حينا لطيه
وفي الليلة الظلماء يفتقد البدر
7. So the Master brought it, sending support
Making its nature and circulation His servants
٧. فمن به المولى وجاء مؤيدا
واصبح من خدامه الطبع والنشر
8. How not, when its noble glory is supreme?
The singular sage, the one uneven science
٨. وكيف وقد اعلى شرافة مجده
ابو العلمين المفرد العلم الوتر
9. A leader whose station among saints
Is too lofty for the eagle's ascent
٩. امام له في الاولياء مكانة
تقاصر عن مرقى جلالتها النسر
10. Its miracles manifest, its account revered
Beyond counting in the cosmos are the dazzling stars
١٠. خوارقه جلت وعز حسابها
وهيهات تحصى في الورى الانجم الزهر
11. And suffice it that among them extends the hand of Ahmed
The prophet of guidance, mentioned in honor
١١. ويكفيك منها مد راحة احمد
نبي الهدى من جاء في مدحه الذكر
12. Revealed to him openly, and he won its breath
Inhaled it, supreme in this and pride
١٢. تجلت له جهرا وفاز بشمها
وقبلها والعز في ذاك والفخر
13. Unique in it, unique in his nature
Upon the step of the Chosen, his way is confirmed
١٣. تفرد فيها وهو فرد بخلقه
على قدم المختار صح له السير
14. Free of the filth of arrogance in his saintly state
Lofty, untouched by conceit and pride
١٤. تخلص من لوث الغرور بحالة
رفاعية ما مسها الزهو والكبر
15. Sincere to the Merciful, detached save to Him
Thus winning what that chest contained
١٥. واخلص للرحمن منقطعا له
ففاز بما قد ضمه ذلك الصدر
16. His rank is as high as the hand of glory can reach
Attaining famous station before the rise of dawn
١٦. سما رتبة ما طاولتها يد السها
وحاز اشتهاراً دون مظهره الفجر
17. To him God gave a rescuing help
Binding in the open the ropes of enemies, mending breaks
١٧. له الله من غوث تقد بعزمه
حبال العدا جهرا وقد يجبر الكسر
18. Among the righteous, his miracles singular
His ambition therein to vanquish and conquer
١٨. خوارقه في الصالحين فريدة
وهمته من شأنها الفتك والكر
19. His court is refuge for the helpless
Some sides sheltered by his sea and land
١٩. وساحته للعاجزين وسبعة
ببعض زوايا برها البحر والبر
20. Bequests from the chaste Virgin and Haydar
Inheritances no shame has touched
٢٠. اياد عن الطهر البتول وحيدر
مورثة ما مس جانبها النكر
21. It suffices that among men he's named
Exalted by honor at the peak of high esteem
٢١. كفاك اذا عد الرجال بانه
على هامة التقديم يرفعه الذكر
22. That by nature, conduct and way of life
He matches the Messenger of God in traces
٢٢. على انه خلقا وخلقا وسيرة
بحال رسول الله صح له الاثر
23. By his sanctity to God, his standing
Bringing the fulfillment of his Master's pleasure, unveiling harm
٢٣. بحرمته عند الآله وجاهه
يتم رضا المولى وينكشف الضر
24. Upon him be God's peace so long as light gleams
And among the people yearning green flags wave
٢٤. عليه سلام الله ما لاح بارق
وطالت لهف ي القوم الوية خضر