
For Allah, for Allah, O secret of existence, help

لله لله يا سر الوجود أغث

1. For Allah, for Allah, O secret of existence, help
My little distress has prolonged its minutes

١. للَه للَه يا سر الوجود أغث
قليل كربي قد طالت دقائقه

2. O the most noble of messengers, save me for my liver
Lies at the door of your grace, pouring out its truths

٢. يا أشرف الرسل أدركني فلي كبد
في باب فضلك ملقاةً حقائقه

3. And grant a servant full of sins, broken
To the tail of your honor, its motives led him

٣. وامنح عبيداً كثير الذنب منكسراً
لذيل عزك ساقته سوائقه

4. By the sanctity of the bright flower and her
Master of Hussein, whose banners shone

٤. بحرمة البضعة الزهرا وبضعتها ال
مولى الحسين الذي ضاءت بوارقه

5. And by the noble youth, the grandson, and the
Generous one, whose mysteries secretly magnified

٥. وبالفتى الحسن السبط الجليل وبال
جواد من عظمت سراً رقائقه

6. And the intrepid Baqir, master of the gnostics, and
Musa al-Kazim, who suppressed his anger and refined his ways

٦. والباقر الشهم مولى العارفين ومو
سى الكاظم الغيظ من جلت طرائقه

7. And your household and the honored companions, and whoever
His knocker turned away from your frequented door

٧. وأهل بيتك والصحب الكرام ومن
ما حال عن بابك المعمور طارقه

8. Save, with utmost salvation, the messenger of messengers, who
For his abundant sins, distress seized him

٨. أدرك تدارك أجل المرسلين لمن
لكثرة الوزر أفتنه مضائقه

9. And have mercy on him, favor him with forgiveness
For his flowing tears have increased his pace

٩. وأرحمه فضلاً ولاحظه بمغفرةٍ
فدمعه الفيض قد زادت سوابقه

10. Allah of the throne salutes you, as long as
His highest angels bow to Him

١٠. صلى عليك إله العرش ما سجدت
له بسدته العليا خلائقه

11. And no stranger called on you in need, and found
You, whom by nature the best of creatures magnified

١١. وما دعاك غريب لاذ فيك وقد
وافاك يا من زكت طبعاً خلائقه