1. We have from ecstasy in the meaning of our loved ones
Annihilation, and this is the doctrine of our path
١. لنا من الوجد في معنى حبائبنا
فناء كل وهذا عين مذهبنا
2. When the cup we drank was pure in their love
People have pulled the trains of their suspicions upon us
٢. لما صفا في هواهم كأس شربنا
قد سحب الناس أذيال الظنون بنا
3. And people have distinguished between us in their words
O my masters, the path of intimacy is in your company
٣. وفرق الناس فينا قولهم فرقا
يا سادتي منهج الزلفى بسيركم
4. And the spring of goodness is from the benevolence of your goodness
We have come to you, and since we stayed in your monastery
٤. ونهلة الخير من إحسان خيركم
جئنا إليكم ومذ جزنا بديركم
5. So a liar has cast suspicion upon others than you
And a truthful one does not know that he has spoken the truth
٥. فكاذب قد رمى بالظن غيركم
وصادق ليس يدري أنه صدقا