
With your eyes, O this gazelle, for how long

بعينيك يا هذا الغزال الى متى

1. With your eyes, O this gazelle, for how long
Will you torture with estrangement one who cannot endure patiently?

١. بعينيك يا هذا الغزال الى متى
تعذب بالهجران من ليس يصبر

2. You have become so pampered that you have been humiliated, and your body has become emaciated,
Sick with the frills of yearning stumbling.

٢. تدللت حتى ذل والجسم ناحل
سقيم باذيال التلهف يعثر

3. And time has passed, O Saad, that was spent with my companion,
Cheering me, and the night blossoms like the full moon.

٣. ووقت مضى يا سعد كان غز يلي
انيسي به والليل يزهر مقمر

4. I cried for him when I remembered, and love
Wrestles with the agonizing love when it remembers.

٤. بكيت له لما تذكرت والهوى
بصارع مضنى الحب اذ يتذكر

5. The soul I desire and the covenant of its love
Is old, and the religion of affection does not change.

٥. أبغية روحي والمحبة عهدها
قديم ودين الود لا يتغير

6. Be kind to my state if my heart has been ignited for him
With fire from all sides flaming.

٦. تلطف بحالي ان قلبي موله
به النار من كل الجوانب تسعر

7. And an eye that wipes the clouds, its shedding tears disquiets it,
Over sorrow and joy they flow and drip.

٧. وعين تسح السحب اقلقها البكا
على الحزن والافراح تجري وتقطر

8. When it saw the terrain of Sala and its rock,
Tomorrow the fleeting beauty from it pours forth.

٨. اذا ما رأت قيعان سلع وحاجر
غدا العارض الوسمي منها يحدر

9. By those places the doe capers for him,
Captivated, and the resolve in intentions crumbles.

٩. بتلك النواحي للولوه مهبجة
اسيرة وجد بالنوى تتفطر

10. Upon it from the hidden adornment is the splendor
That confuses for love that has perplexed.

١٠. عليها من السر المطلسم رونق
يبث شؤنا للهوى قد تحير

11. So I don’t know from the plain of love and its sorrow
Whether my night has been brightened or it is the blossoming forenoon.

١١. فلم ادر من سهل الغرام وحزنه
اوقتي ليلي ام هو الظهر مزهر

12. And my early morning, indeed its edges have softened, and estrangement
With its harshness folds my heart and unfurls it.

١٢. وبدري لقد رقت حواشيه والجفا
بقسوته يطوي فؤادي وينشر

13. My person, O faithful friend, was known
And here he is from the ravages of the gazelle unrecognizable.

١٣. لقد كان شخصي يا اميم معرفا
وها هو من فتك الغزال منكر

14. He threw at me an arrow from one sick in his eyelids
So it bloodied a heart in which its meaning is concealed.

١٤. رماني بسهم من مريض جفونه
فأدمى فؤادا فيه معناه مضمر

15. And were it not for him in my heart I would have said: aim and judge
However you wish, do not show mercy for you have the choice.

١٥. ولولاه في قلبي لقلت ارم واحتكم
كما شئت لا ترحم فانت مخير

16. I shielded myself with beautiful patience, and for passion
Swords over my non­existent patience brandished.

١٦. تدرعت بالصبر الجميل وللهوى
سيوف على معدوم صبري تشهر

17. So if I say “I do not cry” it wipes my tears away,
A passion whose concealment I cannot endure.

١٧. فان قلت لا ابكي يسح مدامعي
غرام على كتمانه لست اقدر

18. And if I say “I cry” then shame on the unjust accuser,
And even if the equitable accompanied the ardent, he would excuse.

١٨. وان قلت ابكي فاه بالزور عاذلي
ولو صحب الانصاف ذو الوجد يعذر

19. Greetings to my early morn and the days of his nearness
For I vanish and appear for them full of fervor.

١٩. سلام على بدري وايام قربه
فأني لها وجدا اغيب واحضر