1. The treasure of the anxious heart, the weapon of the fearful
In praise of the Imam, the Commander of the Faithful Ali
١. كنز المقل سلاح الخائف الوجل
مدح الامام أمير المؤمنين علي
2. The son-in-law of the Prophet, the father of the two grandsons, the sea of guidance
Still pouring knowledge and deeds
٢. صهر النبي ابو السبطين بحر هدى
ما زال منهمرا بالعلم والعمل
3. The possessor of glory and sublime honor, the brother who extends
The continuous dawn, the first of every saint
٣. ذو المجد والشرف السامي اخو المد
د السيال فجر التدلي راس كل ولي
4. The stallion of men, the noble Hashimite, the youth of
The inspired, the clear, the master of messengers
٤. فحل الرجال العريق الهاشمي فتى ال
هيجاء مجلى معني سيد الرسل
5. Al-Murtada, the lion of Allah, the zealous guardian, the
Mystery of the unseen, the Imam of the former leaders
٥. المرتضى اسد الله الغيور رحى
سر الغيوب امام السادة الاول
6. The Lord of wonders, the assailant of battalions in the
Battlefields of gifts, and the lawful authority of the mind
٦. رب العجائب جحجاح الكتائب في
اض المواهب والحلال للعقل
7. How many times did he pass through rows, facing him
With Dhu al-Faqar, so the rows fell into chaos
٧. كم مرة مر في صف وعارضه
بذي الفقار فصار الصف في شلل
8. He rose while the raging camels attacked from their enclosure
A wave, so he repelled the troops of misguidance, defeating them
٨. وثار والعج يرمي من مدوره
موجا فرد جموع الغي بالفشل
9. By Allah, how many verses concerning him were revealed
And how many hadiths narrated by the truthful ones about him
٩. لله كم آية في شأنه نزلت
وكم حديث رواه الصادقون علي
10. Virtues - if seen by the sun, it would eclipse
Bewildered, even if it were in the house of the Bucket
١٠. مناقب لو رأتها الشمس لانحجت
دهشا ولو انها في دارة الحمل
11. He ascended from the two most righteous parents
From Hashim a lineage like the dawn when it shone
١١. علت من الابوين الانجبين له
من هاشم نسبة كالصبح حين جلي
12. From the praiseworthy old age, when it flows, and from Asad
It draws glory. Does the critic know?
١٢. عن شيبة الحمد اذ تروى وعن اسد
تنهل بالمجد هل العارض العطل
13. His noble ancestors succeeded from
Adnan - his roots are light and this has not ceased
١٣. تسلسلت بعرانين الاعاظم من
عدنان اعراقه نورا ولم تزل
14. And Allah brought him out in the middle of His House
As the Imam of the religion, and the decoder of the ancient secret
١٤. والله ابرزه في بطن كعبته
امام دين وفك الطلسم الازلي
15. And he was the first one to pray to his Creator
With the Prophet, while the people were busy
١٥. وكان اول من صلى لبارئه
مع النبي وعنه الناس في شغل
16. And in the bed of the Messenger of Allah he slept, while
The enemies had surrounded him with plots and tricks
١٦. وفي فراش رسول الله بات وقد
طاف العدا حوله بالمكر والحيل
17. And at the gate of Khaibar, when he shook it
With his determination, the fortress collapsed into ruins
١٧. وباب خيبر لما ان دحاه وها
لعزمه الحصن حتى صار في خلل
18. And the people were defeated at Badr by him
With the slash of his sword, so that they were left confused and unraveled
١٨. واستعرض القوم في بد فقنعهم
بمرط حنق بخيط الدهش منجدل
19. And in the river, he let flow from the necks of
The first apostates a river of blood - without him, it would not have flowed
١٩. وفي النهر وان اجرى من نحور اولي
الالحاد نهر دم لولاه لم يسل
20. The battle of Siffin ignited his ferocity
The story of it was narrated, as was the incident of the Camel
٢٠. ابدت بصفين في الصفين غارته
فعل الهزبر روته وقعة الجمل
21. He had turned his face away from all except his Master
With the determination of a heart that does not waver from Allah
٢١. وقد لوى عن سوى مولاه وجهته
بعزم قلب لغير الله لم يمل
22. A knowledge compared to which the endless sea is little and by which
The durability of mountains seems slight
٢٢. علم يقل له البحر المحيط وتم
كين تخف لديه مكنة الجبل
23. An appearance by the hand of Allah that wiped him
So the manifestation of it transcends ideals
٢٣. وطلعة بيد الرحمن قد مسحت
فراح مظهرها يسمو عن المثل
24. And the speech through which the Chosen One's revelation flowed
Its signs, and by it the foremost of debaters fell silent
٢٤. ومنطق فيه طور المصطفى انتسقت
آياته وله خرس اولن الجدل
25. And a state in the corners of holiness that always
Covered by its banners the totality of states
٢٥. ودولة في زوايا القدس دائمة
طوت بنشر علاها جملة الدول
26. And a house of divine glory modeled
Until the Highest with honor and righteousness has been filled
٢٦. وبيت مجد آلهي الطراز سما
حتى السماك بعز بالتقى حفل
27. The ambitions of the excellent ones were shaped through his presence
So truly for them with Allah he was the best guardian
٢٧. وقد نحت همم الانجاب حضرته
فكان حقا لها بالله خير ولي
28. His virtues are recited and the people are encompassed by
Its sweet intoxication like the state of the drunk overcome
٢٨. تتلى مناقبه والقوم يشملها
من خمرها العذب حال الشارب الثمل
29. The sphere of decree revolves around a dot, the
Men of Allah amazed and bewildered by its changes
٢٩. اطاش نقطة بك حول دائرة الت
صريف منها رجال الله في ذهل
30. And the forest of the unseen from the plain of his state
Has been set around each Imam from it or hero
٣٠. وغابة الغيب من بطحاء دولته
حفت بكل امام منه او بطل
31. The husband of the maiden, the beloved of the Messenger, and the
Lantern of acceptance and fortress against fear for those alarmed
٣١. زوج البتول ومحبوب الرسول ومص
باح القبول وحصن الا من في الوجل
32. By Allah! How many times did his presence protect
My status with a rope connected to Allah?
٣٢. لله كم مرة حاضرته فحمى
شأني بحال بحبل الله متصل
33. And He protected my womb with kindness, with mercy
That poured from the cloud of help roaring
٣٣. وصان لي رحمي لطفا بمرحمة
جادت بعارض غيث الغوث منهمل
34. My master! O inheritor of al-Hadi and his deputy
O pillar of my back in detail and in general
٣٤. مولاي يا وارث الهادي ونائبه
يا ركن ظهري بالتفصيل والجمل
35. I call upon you the call of a slave who finds no
Rest from your generosity, O my store and O my hope!
٣٥. ادعوك دعوة عبد لا براح له
عن باب جودك يا ذخري ويا املي
36. So look upon me with an eye through which a rope
Disconnected from the state of the blinking eye reaches me
٣٦. فانظر الي بعين منك كم وصلت
بحالة الرمش منها حبل منفصل
37. And take Abu al-Hasanayn, the best of the
Compositions playing easily upon the hearing
٣٧. وخذ ابا الحسنين الاحسنين من ال
نظم البديع قصيدا لين الحلل
38. It flows smoothly and by it hearts find rest,
Tasting, and by it the chronically ill are cured
٣٨. يميس تيها وترتاح القلوب به
ذوقا ويبرأ منها مزمن العلل
39. From it the smell of musk emanates, containing
The radiance by which the sun is embarrassed
٣٩. يفوح منه عبير المسك مشتملا
على انبلاج لديه الشمس في خجل
40. Relieve my hardship for your sake, and rise generously
To remove my worries, for my strength has become burdensome
٤٠. فرج بجاهك كربي وانتهض كرما
لكشف همي فقد اضنى القوى ثقلي
41. And accept the gift of a slave who said the treasure of my hands
Is praise of the Imam, Commander of the Faithful Ali
٤١. واقبل هدية عبد قال كنز يدي
مدح الامام امير المؤمنين علي