
Tell the noble man with his presumption though

قل للشريف بزعمه مع انه

1. Tell the noble man with his presumption though
He is sick and tired without remedy

١. قل للشريف بزعمه مع انه
من سقم خسته بغير علاح

2. His deviation has cut him off, yet he is the one
Who by his actions is the element of healing

٢. قطعته صدمة زيغه وهو الذي
بفعاله من عنصر الاعلاج

3. Validate your lineage which you have clarified
What deceit it contains from fibs

٣. اتصح نسبتك التي قد اوضحت
ما فيك مطوي من الاوشاج

4. If it were valid, it would have paved
The excuse of Yazid and the argument of al-Hajjaj

٤. لو انها صحت لكانت مهدت
عذر اليزبد وحجة الحجاج