
My sheikh, the foremost among the noble saints

شيخي أمام الاولياء النجبا

1. My sheikh, the foremost among the noble saints
Of the lineage of chieftains from the people of generosity

١. شيخي أمام الاولياء النجبا
سلالة الاعيان من اهل العبا

2. Al-Sayyid Al-Mahdi, fortifier of the desolate lands
And Al-Tahir, the one of pure ancestry, as a father and mother

٢. السيد المهدي صمصام الوحا
والطاهر الاصلين أما وأبا

3. Shibl Al-Rifa'i Al-Husaini in lineage
Sultan of the people of God, dispeller of distress

٣. شبل الرفاعي الحسيني النسب
سلطان أهل الله كشاف الكرب

4. Blessed with a son who came from a virtuous father
And about him the signs of sublime traits were erected

٤. انعم بابن قد أتى من خير أب
وعنه أعلام المعالي نصبا

5. This noble youth, overflowing determination
Possessor of glory, esteem and high moral fiber

٥. هذا الفتى الرواس فياض الهمم
ذو المجد والقدر المعلى والشيم

6. I call upon him, throwing myself at the door of generosity
And how much the disciple attained through him of spiritual profit

٦. ادعوه مرميا على باب الكرم
وكم به نال المريد الاربا

7. The Beloved said to him when he was chosen
In the presence of one excelled in merit, the drawing of lots occurred

٧. قال له الحبيب لما انتخبا
في حضرة بالفضل اجرت سحبا

8. And he saw from the divine manifestations, a path
Welcome, welcome O stranger of strangers

٨. وقد رأى من التجلي مشعبا
أهلا وسهلا يا غريب الغربا

9. This is the stranger of the tribe at the mount of divine proximity
Upon the Most High, the people of proof ascended

٩. هذا غريب القوم في طور الولا
على الألى اهل البراهين علا

10. With a title from one who rose to the Most Exalted
Made greater in esteem and name, ascending and title

١٠. ذا لقب ممن رقى الى العلا
أعظم به شأنا سما ولقبا

11. To the stranger of strangers we belong
For ages and at his threshold we fling ourselves

١١. الى غريب الغرباء ننتمي
دهرا وفي الاعتاب منه نرتمي

12. In his ancestor, the sheikh of Al-Areeja we take refuge
And you did not fear the passage of time's fatigue

١٢. بجده شيخ العريجا نحتمي
ولم تخف من الزمان التعبا

13. Oh house of Al-Rifa'i, oh breasts of the saints
Oh you who inherited the cloak of the successors

١٣. يال الرفاعي يا صدور الاوليا
يا من ورثتم سرحال الاوصيا

14. Through your ancestor Taha, Seal of the Prophets
Be for us a means to the Prophet

١٤. بجدكم طه ختام الانبيا
كونوا لنا الى النبي سببا

15. Upon him blessings of God for as long as the moon shines
And for as long as the reciters alternate and the eyesight wanders

١٥. عليه صلى الله ما لاح القمر
وما تلى التالون ما زاغ البصر

16. And his pure Household and his companions the gems
And son of Al-Rifa'i and stranger of strangers

١٦. وآله الاطهار والصحب الغرر
وابن الرفاعي وغريب الغربا