
O dweller of my heart, my eyes

يا ساكن القلب لقد

1. O dweller of my heart, my eyes
Have wept with yearning

١. يا ساكن القلب لقد
ابكيت عيني بالنوى

2. I have not been absent from him a moment
Such is the religion of love

٢. ما غبت عنه لحظةى
وهكذا دين الهوى

3. The heart is forbidden
To be touched by anyone else

٣. قد حرم القلب بان
يمس سره السوى

4. Even if your love burns it completely
With the embers of passion

٤. ولو هواك كله
بجمرة الوجد كوى

5. The essence of existence and its brilliance
Withdraws from everything else for you

٥. ذوى الوجود ولمع
ناك عن الكل انزوى

6. And love has folded for you
A heart, and what a good folding!

٦. وقد طوى لك الهوى
قلبا ونعم ما طوى

7. His heart prides itself
On being infatuated with you

٧. يشرف قلبه سره
على غرامك انطوى

8. Whenever its contents are folded
Into perfection, it contains

٨. متى حوى مضمونه
على الكمالات احتوى

9. Oh, the time that has passed
With the beloved in seclusion

٩. آه على وقت مضى
مع الحبيب في اللوا

10. In it I purified my intention
And intended for the lover what he intended

١٠. اخلصت فيه نيتي
وللمحب ما نوى