
At his door where angels have set down their burdens,

بباب به الأملاك حطت رحالها

1. At his door where angels have set down their burdens,
I set down my burdens in all humility.

١. بباب به الأملاك حطت رحالها
أحط بأنواع الخضوع رحالي

2. Yes, it is the door of Mustafa, the master of all creation,
My allegiance to him sustains me.

٢. نعم هو باب المصطفى سيد الورى
وحسبي به مولى يقوم بحالي

3. I am at my wit’s end, calamities besiege me
And adversities constrict the broad horizons before me.

٣. لقد ضاق ذرعي والمصائب أقبلت
على وضيق سد رحب مجالي

4. A sinner like me, full of wrongs and shortcomings,
With abundant sins and troubling flaws,

٤. وليس لمثلي مجرم ومقصر
كثير الخطايا بالعوارض سالي

5. Has no recourse but to seek the sublime crown,
Muhammad, the Messenger of joy, the bearer of burdens.

٥. سوى تاج هام المرسلين محمد
رسول الرضى الحمال للأثقال

6. I confide in him, hoping for success through him, though
I spread before his lofty threshold my beseeching hands.

٦. أناجيه أبغي الفوز منه وإنني
بسطت لعلياه أكف سؤالي

7. I take comfort in his noble shadow, an unfailing refuge,
Our greatest means to rise towards the most high.

٧. ولذت بسامي ظله وهو لاخفا
وسيلتنا العظمى إلى المتعالي

8. May Allah bless him as long as a star shines
In the mansions of the towering celestial spheres,

٨. عليه صلاة اللَه ما لاح كوكب
بموقع برج في المواقع عالي

9. And his noble family and companions - the best of companions,
And his progeny - the most honoured lineage.

٩. وآل وأصحاب كرام وآلهم
فهم خير أصحاب وأكرم آل

10. And their followers - never have I exaggerated my lowliness -
I set down my burdens in all humility.

١٠. وأتباعهم ما قلت من فرط ذلتي
أحط بأنواع الخضوع رحالي