1. You have names among the envoys of passion
That pleased the ears, O Asma!
١. لك بين سفار الحمى اسماء
طابت بها الاسماع يا اسماء
2. They went to you, and to the hearts secretly,
And to it upon you, and to the eyes with crying.
٢. ساروا اليك وللقلوب باسرها
وله عليك وللعيون بكاء
3. O Allah from the disease of passion, so he has
Never but the proximity of the beloved is the cure.
٣. الله من داء الغرام فما له
ابدا سوى قرب الحبيب دواء
4. You blamed time and its people with illusion
And you were wrong, the children of time have no loyalty.
٤. عاتبت بالوهم الزمان واهله
وغلطت ما لبني الزمان وفاء
5. Say the generous and say who is knowledgeable
Not preoccupied with it, and you said the gnostics.
٥. قل الكرام وقل من هو عارف
ما هم عيه وقلت العرفاء
6. You mixed from time suspicions
So fire and cold water are equal.
٦. مزجت من الزمن الشؤن بريبة
فالنار والماء النمير سواء
7. And worry about the foremost in virtues, and you reckoned
A cup of purity for its ignorant.
٧. والهم عم اولى الفضائل واحتست
كأس الصفاء لجهلها الجهلاء
8. Time has no worries but which
The great took refuge in the shade of its courtyards.
٨. ما للزمان وهمه الا الذي
لاذت بظل رحابه العظماء
9. Taha the beloved of Allah, the master of His creation
The reason for existence, the white handful.
٩. طه حبيب الله سيد خلقه
سبب الوجود القبضة البيضاء
10. And his children the party of Allah, the notables of the world
Who bare their foreheads, the masters, the honorable.
١٠. وبنوه حزب الله أعيان الورى
غر الجباه السادة النجباء
11. I have from the generosity of its elders, their determination
With which for the healing of the sick, a cure.
١١. لي من صدور كبارهم جدله
همم بها لاولي السقام شفاء
12. My Master, the hearts' hunter, its pillar
And its light if the darkness stirred.
١٢. مولاي صياد القلوب عمادها
وضياؤها ان غلغلت ظلماء
13. Succor of the religion, Ahmed the guided one
The people of guidance if desires went astray.
١٣. الغوث عز الدين احمد مقتدى
اهل الهدى اذ تغلط الاهواء
14. Cub of the towering, the great son of Al-Hussein
Their lion if the unjust roared.
١٤. شبل الرفاعي الكبير بن الحسي
ن هزبرها ان زمجرت دهماء
15. The evident, the noble, the consecutive from the children of Sibt
Good clay, excellent son and fathers!
١٥. الواضح الشرف المسلسل من بني السب
طين نعم الابنوالاباء
16. His father the trustee's successor and his grandfather
Is Taha the Prophet and his mother is Az-Zahraa.
١٦. فابوه حيدرة الوصي وجده
طه النبي وامه الزهراء
17. The banners of loftiness fluttered over him
In the two horizons, and his share is the most high.
١٧. خفقت عليه طوال الوية العلا
في الخافقين وحظه العلياء
18. His reproach is the visitor's fortress, and his door
In its shadows is the hearts' hope.
١٨. اعتابه حصن النزيل وبابه
بظلاله لاولي القلوب رجاء
19. And the lion, how many noble courtyards
And its burrows with his spearheads.
١٩. والاسد كم امت شريف رحابه
ونقابها بوصيده الحصباء
20. And the dead, he revived by the God's generosity
With his prayer and recurring news.
٢٠. والميت احياه الاله تكرما
بدعائه وتواتر الانباء
21. And he spent a year bowed down in Mount Tur
Upon him from the light of majesty a brilliance.
٢١. وقضى بدهش الطور عاما ساجدا
وعليه من نور الجلال بهاء
22. The teacher of the Levant, its master which
The distant and the near submitted to.
٢٢. استاذ قطر الشام سيده الذي
دانت له البعداء والاكفاء
23. The sultan of God's people, the sheikh of their elders
The protector of the sanctuary if clouds stirred.
٢٣. سلطان اهل الله شيخ كبارهم
حامي الحمى ان انشبت غماء
24. My reserve, the Imam Abu Ali the weeping
For calamities if opinions differed.
٢٤. ذخري الامام ابو علي ندبة ال
حلهوف اذ تتخالف الاراء
25. And he overflows with God relief hastily
As if it is the sweeping gust.
٢٥. ويفيض بالله الاغاثة مسرعا
فكأنها الهبابة الهوجاء
26. And through the House of Zayn al-Abideen he has
A nobility, for his star the hearts a sky.
٢٦. وبآل زين العابدين له انجلى
شرف لكوكبه القلوب سماء
27. The martyrs of the inspiration testified for him
And the saints, the flowers and the honorable.
٢٧. شهدت له الشهداء من اهل الوحا
والاولياء الزهر والنجباء
28. My Master has mastered attributes
That the dawn and the evening bloom with it.
٢٨. مولى له المولى افاض مناقبا
يزهو بها الاصباح والامساء
29. He is the pillar of my back in life and tomorrow
And the righteous are the guided intercessors.
٢٩. هو ركن ظهري في الحياة وفي غد
والصالحون أولوا الهدى شفعاء
30. And the children of the Prophet, the best riders of the sanctuary
You know, with this dust and greenery.
٣٠. وبنوا الني اجل ركبان الحمى
تدري بذا الغبراء والخضراء
31. May Allah send prayers upon their grandfather
Who brought forth from his folds the things.
٣١. صلى الاله على المكرم جدهم
من أبرزت عن طيه الاشياء
32. And upon his good family and companions
As long as the waves of time flow.
٣٢. والآل عترته الكريمة والألى
اصحابه ما سحت الانواء