
If you want to spend time with it then how different is its doing from its saying

جانب زمانك ان اردت وواله

1. If you want to spend time with it then how different is its doing from its saying
The colors conflict from its effects, and its decrease and completeness become apparent

١. جانب زمانك ان اردت وواله
شتان بين فعاله ومقاله

2. And perhaps someone infatuated with the wrongdoing of his time
While at times the black misfortunes befall him

٢. تتخالف الالوان من آثاره
وتلوح في نقصانه وكماله

3. Oh if only a time passed me in length
And the full moon rises from its clear sky

٣. ولرب مفتون بغيّ زمانه
وعليه حينا رد سود بناله

4. And the night blossoms and the spring murmurs
And the alive makes the dead's eyelashes gazelle

٤. آه لوقت مر لي بطويلع
والبدر يطلع من سماء خلاله

5. And an intimate friend went against prohibition
Robbing minds with his kindness and flirtation

٥. والليل يزهر والربيع منمنم
والحي يحي الميت رمش غزاله

6. The fresh jujube's aroma exudes its musky fragrance
And the excess of sugary meaning flows from its stream

٦. وجليس انس راح يعبث بالنهى
سلب العقول بلطفه ودلاله

7. Breaking covenants angrily and left upon
Injustice and wrongdoing to the loyal lover

٧. المى الثغير يفوح عاطر مسكه
وبفاض معنى السكر من جرياله

8. And time told of its betrayal when we did not find
Its image except upon its image

٨. نقض العهود مغاضبا ومضى على
بغي وجار على المحب الواله

9. Fickle, difficult in temperament, deceitful
No difference between its distance and nearness

٩. وحكى الزمان بغدره اذ لم نجد
تمثاله الا على تمثاله

10. And it certainly loses its way and does not do justice to a lover
The proud's perplexity in its beauty and grace

١٠. متلون صعب المزاج مخادع
لا فرق بين بعاده ووصاله

11. Oblivious to the fluctuations of time and unaware
That fluctuation was part of its traits

١١. ولقد يتيه وليس ينصف عاشقا
تيه الفخور بحسنه وجماله

12. The beautiful exceeds its time but remains not
At its pace of condition

١٢. جهل انقلابات الزمان ومادرى
انّ التقلب كان بعض خصاله

13. How much it ignited burning embers
That flame scorching in the hearts of its men

١٣. يطغي الجميل زمانه لكنه
لم يبق فيه على وتيرة حاله

14. Raiding backwards upon the heedless
Intoxicated with the wine of its fortunes

١٤. كم اجج الحسرات جمرا موقدا
قد شب يلهب في قلوب رجاله

15. And settles over the valiant ignorantly its ordainment
No doubt it falls short of the status of its slipper

١٥. يسطو بادبار على ذي غفلة
ثمل بخمر الامن من اقباله

16. And becomes comfortable with virtuous goodness so it folds
Into the carriage of injustice from its ruins

١٦. ويحل فوق الشهم خبا قدره
لا شك يقصر عن محل نعاله

17. No safety for the rational from its malice
No matter how much it is aided by its state and money

١٧. ويست بالبر الكريم فينطوي
في عربة ظلما عن اطلاله

18. How quickly it changes from it and the like of it
Is in events the leaning of its shadows

١٨. لا امن للعقلاء من انكاده
مهما اعان بحاله وبماله

19. However much it misguides with the Tor of Rim Okhal
Do not feel safe from its leaping with its twistiness

١٩. ما اسرع الميلان منه ومثله
في الحادثات يكون ميل ظلاله

20. And take precautions by trusting and gain victory
With God, do not resort except to His majesty

٢٠. مهما دهاك بطور ريم اكحل
لا تأمن الوثبات من ريباله

21. And be constantlymentioning God then actualizing
Be sincere your love for the Prophet and his family

٢١. وخذ السلامة بالتوكل وانتصر
بالله لا تلجأ لغير جلاله

22. And keep the rights of the companions, companions of Mustafa
And the people who modeled themselves after his example

٢٢. والهج بذكر الله ثم تحققا
اخلص ودادك للنبي وآله

23. Herd the defects of every sincere friend
And leave the liar in his misguidance and straying

٢٣. واحفظ حقوق الصحب صحب المصطفى
والقوم من نسجوا على منواله

24. And if you are attached by an era to a group
Then raise the honor of the time from its meanness

٢٤. وارع الذمام لكل خل صادق
ودع الكذوب بغيه وضلاله

25. And be patient with the miserable day, as with patience
It will erase the darkness from its horrors

٢٥. واذا علقت من الزمان بمعشر
فارفع كرام الوقت عن انذاله

26. And if you are tested with a problem then with wisdom
Untie the knots of confusion from its complexities

٢٦. واصبر على اليوم المريع فانه
بالصبر يمحى العتم من اهواله

27. And accompany the noble origin accompanied with devotion
For a person inclines to his likenesses

٢٧. واذا ابتليت بمشكل فبحكمة
حلل عقود الخبط من اشكاله

28. And make the system of reason your path to ascend
For reason is the human's eye of his mind

٢٨. واصحب شريف الاصل مصحوب التقى
فالمرء منجذب الى اشكاله

29. And guard your glory by spending money for it is
The water of glory's face its mole

٢٩. واجعل نظام العقل نهجك للعلى
فالعقل للانسان عين عقاله

30. And grace with your kindness for the mastery is for the youth
With his abundant grace not with his beauty

٣٠. واحرس ببذل المال مجدك فهوفي
لماع وجه المجد نقطة خاله

31. Take the impact of your people wearing their perfections
For the qualities of glory are in its cubs

٣١. وافض جميلك فالسيادة للفتى
بجميله الفياض لا بجماله

32. And avoid the evil of betrayal, do not act by it
For betrayal bloodies its people with its swords

٣٢. خذ اثر قومك كاسيا بكمالهم
فخصائل الريبال في اشباله

33. Purify the origins with every good deed
Published, the person's origin is purified by his deeds

٣٣. وتوق شؤم الغدر لا تعمل به
فالغدر يدمي اهله بنصاله

34. And if you gained knowledge then be wise and learned
Not taken suddenly by an argument like clothes

٣٤. زك الاصول بكل فعل طيب
منشور اصل المرء طي فعاله

35. And pardon and do not be cowardly and distance the detestable
Whose deeds make him descend from his words

٣٥. واذا علمت فكن حكيما عالما
لا كالوثوب مفاجئا بجداله

36. And take as your friend one who if the era transgresses
Comes to you with righteousness his right and left side

٣٦. واصفح ولا تجبن وباعد مقرفا
افعاله تهحط عن افواله

37. And be merciful and not envious nor make you a hater
For glory can conceal goodness in his mind

٣٧. واجعل صديقك من إذا الزمن اعتدى
يأتيك بر يمينه وشماله

38. And avoid harm diverting for the brother
Of virtue did not intend harm in his imagination

٣٨. وارحم ولا تحسد ولاتك حاقدا
فالشهم يطوي الطيبات بباله

39. And protect dignity so do not diminish your inherited glory
And carry it despite its weights

٣٩. والق الاذى متغابيا فاخو المرو
ءة لم يكن يجري الاذى بخياله

40. Do not sever ties of relation and act to connect
It's the characteristic of the noble to his paternal and maternal aunts

٤٠. وصن الوقار فلا تخفف مجدك ال
موروث واحمله على اثقاله

41. And understand the affairs of the time from its scholars
And beware of inclining to its ignoramuses

٤١. لا تقطع الارحام وافعل واصلا
شيم الاصيل لعمه ولخاله

42. And turn away from vile baseness even if with
Money for it is suspended by its ropes

٤٢. وافهم شؤن العصر من علمائه
واحذر بان تلوي الى جهاله

43. Far between what the eminent possesses of money
And the masterful breast's elevation with his state

٤٣. واعرض عن الخبل الدني ولو على
بالمال فهو معلق بحباله

44. And cut off the ropes of the betrayers for one who
Bore betrayal did not succeed in his consequence

٤٤. شتان ما بين العلي بماله
والسيد الصدر العلي بحاله

45. And prepare for the time of questioning a reserve
For the appointed his need at his time of questioning

٤٥. واقطع حبال الخائنين فان من
حمل الخيانة لم يفز بمآله

46. And be just, for perhaps the ruler will feel safe tomorrow
If the judiciary of justice was from his deeds

٤٦. واحمل لاوقات السؤال ذخيرة
فالمء حاجته بآن سؤاله

47. And leave the miserable to suggest every trickery
And be patient with him for it is bound to expire

٤٧. واعدل فرب الحكم يأمن في غد
ان كان حكم العدل من عماله

48. And abandon greed and disturbing covetousness
For the Lord divided His provision for His dependents

٤٨. ودع اللئيم يدس كل دسيسة
واصبر عليه فانها لزواله

49. And cast the heart aside from the filth of rubbish so purify it
And remember the majesty of God in your occupations

٤٩. وتخل عن طمع وحرص مزعج
فالرب قسم رزقه لعياله

50. And raise your matters to the deity for it
May facilitate the desired from its mires

٥٠. والقلب عن لوث الحطام فنقه
واذكر جلال الله في اشغاله

51. Be firm if ability allows benefiting
Inclusively, and be prevalent among its heroes

٥١. وارفع امورك للآله فانه
قد ينفذ الموهون من اوحاله

52. And if you fall short of benefiting then rise above deficient
From the glory of the universally beneficial and his state

٥٢. صر للورى ان ساعد الامكان نف
عا شاملا وتسود في ابطاله

53. And refrain and do not seek perfection infinitely
For the full moon its detriment is reaching perfection

٥٣. واذا قصرت النفع تعلو قاصرا
عن مجد ذي النفع العميم وحاله

54. God is Greater, everything is vanishing
Except God so cling attached without any inclination

٥٤. واقعد ولا تبغ الكمال تناهيا
فالبدر آفته بلوغ كماله

55. He left the old and went observing something transient
For it was struck by the arrows of its afflictions

٥٥. الله اكبر كل شيء هالك
الاه فاهجر موثقا بخباله

56. And something that adorned the traits blossomed
The melodies vary from its anklets

٥٦. ترك القديم وراح يرصد فانيا
فلقد اصابته سهام وباله

57. How it left off the bow of the eyebrows shooting
Prohibiting the doors, masters of prohibition, with its arrows

٥٧. ومهفهف زين الشمائل ازهر
تتنوع النغمات من خلخاله

58. For the full moon is from its peers, and the lion from
Its likes, and the gazelle from its equals

٥٨. كم راح عن قوس الحواجب راميا
الباب ارباب النهى بنباله

59. He may appear a full moon and if he intends desertion
A lion startling the lowly dreadful is his descent

٥٩. فالبدر من أقرانه والليث من
أشباهه والريم من أمثاله

60. Loyalty and the sincere old love called him
But he passed like one infatuated

٦٠. هو ان بدا بدر وان قصد الجفا
ليث يريع النذل هول نزاله

61. You gazelles of Hajar in Rabi before migration
You will fold beauty in the month after

٦١. طالبته العهد الصميم وسالف ال
ود القديم فمر كالمتباله

62. A month that has a full moon that completes and expires
And you are neglectfully heedless of its crescent

٦٢. اغزال حاجر انت في رمضان هج
ر سوف تطوي الحسن في شواله

63. This is the era and these are its conditions
Live in it awake to its conditions

٦٣. شهر له بدر يتم وينقضي
وغررت عن طيش بوضح هلاله

64. It is like this in the past and in its state
In what you see and the ambiguousness of its future

٦٤. هذا الزمان وهذه احواله
عش فيه منتبها الى احواله

٦٥. هو هكذا فيما مضى وبحاله
فيما ترى وبمبهم استقباله