
O my people, for passion apportioned,

ألا يا لقومي للهوى المتقسم

1. O my people, for passion apportioned,
And the heart in darkness of its drunkenness blind,

١. أَلا يا لَقَومي لِلهَوى المُتَقَسِّمِ
وَلِلقَلبِ في ظَلماءِ سَكرَتِهِ العَمي

2. And the moment when it led me and made me
Prey to its snares amid bloom and ruin,

٢. وَلِلحَينِ أَنّى ساقَني فَأَتاحَني
لِأَحبُلِها مِن بَينِ مُثرٍ وَمُعدِمِ

3. My blood was shed by Bakr unawares
My slayer exulting, no boon conferring,

٣. أَقادَ دَمي بَكرٌ عَلى غَيرِ ظِنَّةٍ
وَلَم يَتَأَثَّم قاتِلاً غَيرَ مُنعِمِ

4. And I said to Bakr, surprised, "You were bold!
"Is it your glory, or no wild game winging arrows at?"

٤. فَقُلتُ لِبَكرٍ عاجِباً أَتَجَلَّدَت
لَكَ الخَيرُ أَم لا تُطمِعُ الصَيدَ أَسهُمي

5. That but the soul knowing itself desires
Its like, and the heart of the bereft aspires,

٥. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا تَعلَمُ النَفسُ أَنَّهُ
إِلى مِثلِها يَصبو فُؤادُ المُتَيَّمِ

6. For I am a branch of Fahr of Banu Malik
His renown, and branch of glory ever striving,

٦. وَإِنّي لَها مِن فَرعِ فِهرِ بنِ مالِكٍ
ذُراهُ وَفَرعِ المَجدِ لِلمُتَوَسِّمِ

7. Though she said I could not attain their tryst
They hope not, save at the hajj to meet and converse,

٧. عَلى أَنَّها قالَت لَهُ لَستُ نائِلاً
لَنا ظِنَّةً إِلّا لِقاءً بِمَوسِمِ

8. And I said to Bakr as we left at night,
"Do not fall short, or run ahead from the secret."

٨. وَقُلتُ لِبَكرٍ حينَ رُحنا عَشيَّةً
عَنِ السِرِّ لا تَقصُر وَلا تَتَقَدَّمِ

9. That slave-girls may hint to me of she
Who saw my heart, and yet felt no distress,

٩. لَعَلّي سَتُنبيني الجَواري مِنَ الَّتي
رَأَت عِندَها قَلبي فَلَم تَتَأَلَّمِ

10. Would I had not met her that year,
No pilgrimage made, nor talked together,

١٠. فَلَيتَ مِنىً لَم تَجمَعِ العامَ بَينَنا
وَلَم يَكُ لي حَجٌّ وَلَم نَتَكَلَّمِ

11. Would her I disobeyed and whose censors I defied
Had discretion, and not shed my blood,

١١. وَلَيتَ الَّتي عاصَيتُ فيها عَواذِلي
لَها قَبِلَت عَقلاً وَلَم تَحتَمِل دَمي

12. We came to a castle, from eyes and slander aloof
And the vitriol-tongued enemy's censure,

١٢. فَرُحنا بِقَصرٍ نَتَّقي العَينَ وَالرِيا
وَقَولَ العَدوِّ الكاشِحِ المُتَنَمِمِ

13. With a hopeful glance, and another to beware,
What an affair between misery and bliss!

١٣. وَفي العَينِ مَرجوٌّ وَآخَرُ يُتَّقى
فَيالَكَ أَمراً بَينَ بُؤسِ وَأَنعَمُ

14. When night darkened she said to Kharrud
Like wild cows in a shackled drove marked,

١٤. فَلَمّا اِكفَهَرَّ اللَيلُ قالَت لِخُرَّدٍ
كَواعِبَ في رَيطٍ وَعَصبٍ مُسَهَّمِ

15. Graceful bodies, silent wastes,
Filling the gazer's eye, ever striving,

١٥. نَواعِمَ قُبَّ بُدَّنٍ صُمُتِ البُرى
وَيَملَأنَ عَينَ الناظِرِ المُتَوَسِّمِ

16. With swinging chins, their talk a boast
Accepted by them whatever the contention,

١٦. رَواجِحَ أَكفالٍ تَباهَينَ قَولُها
لَدَيهِنَّ مَقبولٌ عَلى كُلِّ مَزعَمِ

17. My eyes twitched, and I fancied
'Twas the Caliph's closeness they claimed,

١٧. لَقَد خَلَجَت عَيني وَأَحسِبُ أَنَّها
لِقُربِ أَبي الخَطّابِ ذَلِكَ مَزعَمي

18. They said, "A wish or a jest
Whose disgraceful import you would convey?"

١٨. فَقُلنَ لَها أُمنيَّةٌ أَو مَزَحَةٌ
أَرَدتَ بِها عَيبَ الحَديثِ المُرَجَّمِ

19. She said, "Go together, I command you,
For your sake submissive, obedient, precede me,"

١٩. فَقالَت لَهُنَّ اِذهَبنَ آمِرُنا مَعاً
لِأَمرِكِ مَجنوبٌ تَبوعٌ فَقَدِّمي

20. "Before you one to scout the way," and sent
A girl, a lively witted one, smiling,

٢٠. أَمامَكِ مَن يَرعى الطَريقَ فَأَرسَلَت
فَتاةً حَصاناً عَذبَةَ المُتَبَسَّمِ

21. And said, "Walk ahead, be before us
From the sneak I dread, do not speak,"

٢١. وَقالَت لَها اِمضي فَكوني أَمامَنا
لِحِفذِ الَّذي نَخشى وَلا تَتَكَلَّمي

22. She rose and did not, and slept, unable,
They said, "Rise!" She rose, not a word,

٢٢. فَقامَت وَلَم تَفعَل وَنامَت فَلَم تُطِق
فَقُلنَ لَها قومِ فَقامَت وَلَم لَمِ

23. Save gestured as if she were drunk, so they seized her
Like one drinking forbidden drafts sealed,

٢٣. تُبِن غَيرَ أَن قَد أَومَأَت فَعَمَدنَها
كَشارِبِ مَكنونِ الشَرابِ المُخَتَّمِ

24. When we met at dawn, each with secret intent
For her I showed my joy, smiling,

٢٤. فَلَمّا اِلتَقَينا باحَ كُلٌّ بِسِرِّهِ
وَأَبدى لَها مِنّي السُرورَ تَبَسُّمي

25. Oh night I spend wakeful, pillow-propped
Whenever I wish, after sleep, most generous host,

٢٥. فَيا لَكَ ليلاً بِتُّ فيهِ مُوَسَّداً
إِذا شِئتُ بَعدَ النَومِ أَكرَمَ مِعصَمِ

26. Given sweet cool saliva, clear draught
Delicious, redolent, perfumed,

٢٦. وَأُسقى بِعَذبٍ بارِدِ الريقِ واضِحٍ
لَذيذِ الثَنايا طَيِّبِ المُتَنَسَّمِ