
The banners of the State of Guidance shone

لمعت بوارق دولة الإرشاد

1. The banners of the State of Guidance shone
In the sanctuaries of the pole of the masters, the hunter

١. لمعت بوارق دولة الإرشاد
برحاب قطب الأوليا الصياد

2. Succor of the times, my father Ali, the owner of the manifest mystery and the star of uniqueness
The pole of existence, descendant of the noblest Messenger

٢. غوث الزمان أبي علي صاحب الس
ر الجلي وكوكب الإفراد

3. The chest of the greatest, proof of the pegs
The knowledge of the shaykhs and treasure of all virtues

٣. قطب الوجود سليل أشرف مرسل
صدر الإكابر حجة الأوتاد

4. The stallion of men, quintessence of the masters
His virtues became great and his rank became sublime

٤. علم الشيوخ وكنز كل فضيلةٍ
فحل الرجال خلاصة الأسياد

5. And his states went beyond counting
And in him the secrets of the hidden talisman were contained

٥. عظمت مناقبه وجلت رتبة
أحواله ونمت عن التعداد

6. In his treasure, along with the creation of individuals
For him the lights of every mystery were unveiled

٦. وبه انطوت أسرار غيب طلسمت
في كنزه مع نشأة الآحاد

7. From the overflow of his father, the guiding Messenger
So his overpouring seas raged and flooded

٧. وله انجلت أنوار كل خفية
من فيض والده الرسول الهادي

8. Animating the world, coming and going
So take refuge in his State, O passionate one, if

٨. فطغت بحار فيوضه وطمت فعم
مت بالندا غادي الورى والصادي

9. You fear enemies and their gloating
For he is jealous over the foreigner and helper of

٩. فالجأ لدولة عزه يا صاح إن
خفت العدا وشماته الحساد

10. The humble refugee, and sanctuary of the aimless
My master Az al-Din Ahmad, the structure of proof

١٠. فهو الغيور على الدخيل وناصر اللا
جي الذليل وملجأ القصاد

11. Kaaba of the procession of glories
Grandson of al-Husayn and son of Musa al-Kazim

١١. مولاي عز الدين أحمد هيكل ال
برهان كعبة جحفل الأمجاد

12. The sublime, majestic one, and a piece of al-Sajjad
Grandson of al-Rifa'i, pole of the poles of the world

١٢. شبل الحسين ونجل موسى ال
كاظم الشهم الجليل وبضعة السجاد

13. Teacher of the people of remembrance and litanies
Moon in the sequence of the ancient manifest

١٣. سبط الرفاعي قطب أقطاب الورى
أستاذ أهل الذكر والأوراد

14. Radiant light, the burning wick
A lion, whose devoted follower was revived by God

١٤. قمر تسلسل من أجل رقا
ئق النور القديم اللامع الوقاد

15. After death in the company of humanity
He spent the long year bowing

١٥. أسد له أحيا الإله مريده
بعد الوفاة بصحبة الإنساد

16. Over the earth, the good earth, in the valley's plains
And after the passing of that year, he awoke

١٦. ولقد قضى العام الطويل بسجدة
فوق الثرى الثرى ببطاح أطيب وادي

17. From the unseen bowing to the Court of Witnessing
In Basra, he hunted the beasts with a glance

١٧. وأفاق بعد مرور ذاك العام من
غيب السجود لحضرة الأشهاد

18. And coiled with the might of the thorn of lions
And the fish came to him, swimming from the shore

١٨. وببصرة صاد السباع بلفتة
ولوى ببأس شوكة الآساد

19. Of the sea, seeking his overflowing abundance
And the dear one of Egypt, when he fought him, lost

١٩. وأتت له الأسماك تسبح من شرا
ع البحر تقصد فيضة الإمداد

20. The glory of the dear one, so he died wretchedly
And at Jarf, the water of the Master sprang for him

٢٠. وعزيز مصر حين حاربه طوى
شأن العزيز فمات بالإنكاد

21. As pure, flowing water for those who attain
He took contemplation and worship as his wont

٢١. وبجرف هبت أنبع المولى له ال
ماء الزلال وفاض للوراد

22. And men became exalted by the strength of his competence
He prolonged his humility before God and was absent from

٢٢. أخذ التفكر والتعبد ديدنا
وعلا الرجال بقوة استعداد

23. All others and parted from the company of foes
He illuminated the niche of striving for his Lord

٢٣. وأطال في اللَه الخضوع وغاب عن
غير وفارق فرقة الأضداد

24. And erased caprice, with the best striving
And passed the cup of connection to the seekers

٢٤. وأنار محراب الجهاد بربه
ومحى الهوى معنى بخير جهاد

25. With strong resolve, ambition, and direction
He abandoned parity and eliminated the veils of passion

٢٥. وأدار كأس الوصل للطلاب بال
عزم القوي وهمة وسداد

26. So its lights spread throughout all lands
By him the people of the path came together, and the

٢٦. ترك السوى وأباد أستار الهوى
فسرت لوامعه بكل بلاد

27. Party of the spiritual path was saved from estrangement, by him
He is the succor when the wicked one rages

٢٧. وبه التجا أهل الطريق وقد نجا
حزب السلوك به من الإبعاد

28. And the stubborn enemy attacks, unsheathing the sword of enmity
He is the mighty aid, by his lofty glory

٢٨. فهو المغيث إذا الذميم سطا وجا
ر معاند واستل سيف معادي

29. The shining minaret over the present time
My shaykh, my teacher, the goal of my hopes

٢٩. وهو الهزبر المستعان بجاهه ال
عالي المنار على الزمان العادي

30. My protection and defense, and my pillar
The place of my wishes, the bearer of my burdens

٣٠. شيخي وأستاذي وغاية ملطبي
وحمايتي ووقايتي وعمادي

31. My helper, always with all that I desire
The best helper in tight straits, I found him

٣١. ومحل آرابي وحامل حملتي
ومساعدي أبداً بكل مراد

32. To aid the children with glorious victory
The father of the Sultan, the secret of his state

٣٢. جد إذا ضاق الخناق وجدته
نعم المجد لنصرة الأولاد

33. Is to join his sons in happiness
My pride in the lofty glory of his honor

٣٣. وأب أبى سلطان دولة سره
إلا وصول بنيه للإسعاد

34. Is that descendants should boast of their ancestors
I hope that by the grace of his connection and origins

٣٤. فخري بعزة مجده السامي الذرى
أن يفخر الأحفاد بالأجداد

35. To cut off distance and join the cord of affection
For I was burdened by time and absent from

٣٥. أرجو بفضل وصوله وأصوله
قطع البعاد ووصل حبل ودادي

36. His days and sweet festivals
And I forgot, in my sorrow and base ambition

٣٦. فلقد كلفت من الزمان وغبت عن
أيامه وحلاوة الأعياد

37. My homeland and loved ones in that club
So may the intercession of the son of al-Rifa`i, Ahmad the Hunter

٣٧. ونسيت من همي وقلة همتي
وطني وأحبابي بذاك النادي

38. Reform by guidance the corruption of my state
And may he help me attain contentment, for time

٣٨. فعسى بجاه ابن الرفاعي أحمد الص
صياد يصلح بالرشاد فسادي

39. Has passed me by, with its prolonged estrangement
Aid me, O Hunter, O son of the generous masters

٣٩. وعساه يسعف بالرضى فلقد قضى
زمني علي ببعده المتمادي

40. The masters of generosity, the generous masters
Help my affliction and have mercy on my lowly state

٤٠. غوثاه يا صياد يا ابن السا
دة الأجواد آل السادة الأجواد

41. Look upon me and release my fetters
Upon you be the satisfaction of God and His mercy

٤١. أدرك بجدك لوعتي وارحم ضنى
حالي ولاحظني وفك قيادي

42. Enveloping the tomb of the Court of Guidance
And the prayer of the Lord of the Worlds and His bestowal

٤٢. وعليك رضوان الإله ورحمة
تغشى ضريح حيطة الإرشاد

43. Guide your grandfather to the reason for existence
And upon his sons, companions, and followers

٤٣. وصلاة رب العالمين وجوده
يهدي لجدك علة الإيجاد

44. The people of guidance, wherever they dwelt in valleys and plains
And upon the champions of the path and their party

٤٤. وعلى بنيه وصحبه والتابعي
ن ذوي الهدى ما حن ليلاً حادي

45. Wherever they took refuge in rough terrain and passes

٤٥. وعلى جهابذة الطريق وحزبهم
أين انتحوا بالغور والأنجاد