
I seek refuge in the thresholds of the beloved son of Hashim

لجأت بأعتاب الحبيب ابن هاشم

1. I seek refuge in the thresholds of the beloved son of Hashim
Before the chests of the honorable messengers

١. لجأت بأعتاب الحبيب ابن هاشم
أمام صدور المرسلين الأكارم

2. The Messenger of consent, the Lord of high ranks, Muhammad
The rewarder of wealth, the key to the treasures of booties

٢. رسول الرضى رب المعالي محمد
مثيب الغنى مفتاح كنز الغنائم

3. A lamp illuminating the two holy mosques, and the star of
Generosity and the lantern of guidance for all worlds

٣. سراج بطاح القبلتين وكوكب ال
جود ومصباح الهدى للعوالم

4. The book of unseen sciences, the revealer of the
Secrets, the prince of Arabs, the master of non-Arabs

٤. كتاب علوم الغيب كشاف مغلق ال
خفايا أمير العرب مولى الأعاجم

5. The guide of honorable prayers, the means of
Supplicators, the guide of every supplicant and faster

٥. دليل المصلين الكرام وسيلة ال
ملبين هادي كل داعٍ وصائم

6. The beloved of the Lord of the worlds, the essence of
Realities, the sun of the greatest prophets

٦. حبيب إله العالمين حقيقة ال
حقائق شمس الأنبياء الأعاظم

7. For him is the highest procession on the Day of Gathering
For him is the elevated knowledge since before Adam

٧. له الموكب الأعلى لدى الحشرة اللقا
له العلم المرفوع من قبل آدم

8. For him is the great state, for him is the fluttering banner
That towered over the heights with the strongest pillars

٨. له الدولة العظمى له الرفرف الذي
تسامى على العليا بأعلى الدعائم

9. For him is the treasured temple of knowledge and wisdom
With the wisdom of a learned and knowledgeable scholar

٩. له الهيكل المكنوز علماً وحكمةً
بحكمة علم من حكيم وعالم

10. The secrets of everything hidden were revealed to him
So he solved their meanings without a challenger

١٠. تجلت له أسرار كل خفيةٍ
فحل معانيها بغير مزاحم

11. And translated the symbolism of the Tablet eloquently
With understanding beyond the grasp of any understanding one

١١. وترجم رمز اللوح في حسن منطق
بديع وفهم جل عن درك فاهم

12. And uniquely spread open everything ambiguous
And raised the highest descendants with the strongest resolve

١٢. وأبدع نشر الطي عن كل مغلق
وأعلى ذرى الحسنى بأقوى العزائم

13. His glories cannot be counted and types of his virtues
Are embroidered with his glory and generosity

١٣. معاليه لا تحصي وأواع فضله
مطرزة من مجده بالمكارم

14. He is the ocean, the ocean of knowledge, religion and piety
And the ocean of meanings, guidance and mercy

١٤. هو البحر بحر العلم والدين والتقى
وبحر لمعاني والهدى المراحم

15. His sublime qualities and attributes of his essence
Transcended definition in the poetry of any composer

١٥. مظاهره العليا وأوصاف ذاته
تسامت عن التعريف في شعر ناظم

16. With a glance from him, one attains wishes
And it suffices to protect against the evils of oppressors

١٦. بطرفة عين منه يظفر بالرجا
ويكفي به السكين شر المظالم

17. And gives the needy what he wished for
And protects with it from an aggressor and adversary

١٧. ويعطي به المحتاج ما كان يرتجي
ويحمي به من غاشمٍ ومخاصم

18. To him concluded hopes of every hopeful one
And in his door relief of all great things

١٨. إليه انتهت آمال كل مؤمل
وفي بابه تفريج كل العظائم

19. Yes, he is the sultan of creation, and he
Is the greatest of Allah's messengers, the noble seal

١٩. نعم هو سلطان لبرايا وإنه
لجحفل رسل اللَه أشرف خاتم

20. And master of the teachers of existence, their crown
And greatest of them from every past and future one

٢٠. ومولى أساتيذ الوجود وتاجهم
وأعظمهم من كل ماس وقادم

21. I call unto him, wounded at heart, and I have
No one but him, while my state is that of disobedient and regretful

٢١. أناديه مجروح الفؤاد وليس لي
سواه وحالي حال عاص ونادم

22. My face has been blackened by my sin
And the record of my deeds darkened with crimes

٢٢. ووجهي قد سودته من خطيئتي
ودفتر أعمالي دجا بالجرائم

23. And my state is the meaning of its scattering afflictions
And I spent my life between crying and confused

٢٣. وحالي معنى شتته مصائبي
وأمضيت عمري بين باك وهائم

24. And the army of my sins tore apart my unity, and my humility
Made me lose the resolve of my soul from its worries

٢٤. ومزق شملي جيش ذنبي وذلتي
وضاعت بنفسي من همومي عزائمي

25. And I gave birth in the thresholds of the family of Muhammad
To the zeal of every loving and loyal servant

٢٥. وقد لدت في أعتاب آل محمد
حمى كل مسكين محب وخادم

26. And that through it I thought good and in his ocean
On its sublime coast is attainment of booties

٢٦. وأني به أحسنت ظني وبحره
بساحله العالي حصول المغانم

27. A guest upon the high thresholds of his side
After the features of landmarks were erased from me

٢٧. دخيل على عليا رحاب جنابه
وقد محيت مني رسوم المعالم

28. I hope for success, glory, approval and good
Beginnings from him, like good endings

٢٨. أومل منه النجح والجاه والرضى
وحسن المبادي مثل وحسن الخواتم

29. And I ask him for kindness upon my state
For which my eyelids poured like pouring of rain

٢٩. وأسأله عطفاً على حالتي التي
لها مقلتي سالت كسيل الغمائم

30. Far from him to accept my rejection, and his door
Is the destination of the steps of the noblest and most generous

٣٠. فحاشاه أن يرضى بردي وبابه
مناخ رحال الأكرمين الأفاخم

31. Upon him, the prayers of Allah and all his family
And his companions, the lions of domains in battlefields

٣١. عليه صلوة اللَه والآل كلهم
وأصحابه أسد الشرى في الملاحم