
To the seat of relief, the eminent Ahmed

الى سدة الغوث الرفاعي احمد

1. To the seat of relief, the eminent Ahmed
I have extended my hand, hoping for favor, pleading

١. الى سدة الغوث الرفاعي احمد
مددت ارجى الفضل ملتمسا يدي

2. Before the men of God, the sultan of their party
And the greatest of them in every path and scene

٢. امام رجال الله سلطان حزبهم
واعظمهم في كل نهج ومشهد

3. To him belongs the evident honor among the Fatimids
And the brightest glories among the descendants of Muhammed

٣. له الشرف الوضاح في آل فاطم
وبيض المعالي في ذراري محم

4. If you consider the pillars, he is ahead of them
And if you count the chieftains, he is the open-handed father

٤. فان تحسب الاقطاب فهو امامهم
وان تعدد السادات فهو ابو اليد

5. I meet with him the bold lion crouching
And subdue my enemies and defeat my envious foes

٥. الاقي به الاسد الجرئية ربضا
وارغم اعدائي واقهر حسدي