1. I sought elevation, though the envious stretched out their hands
The insignificant and the corrupt are ignorant, they cannot rise high
١. أردت التعالي والحسود مدا المدا
حقير وذو الإفساد والجهل لا يعلو
2. Though you claimed to possess all virtue, you are the essence of intrusiveness
You gained stature through drums beating your renown
٢. ودعواك جمع الفضل عين الفضول ذا
تحققت في شان به عرف الطبل
3. Your image is like Suyuti’s, and his equal
Your description is of a scholar, though your knowledge is ignorance
٣. فشكلك رسماً كالسيوطي ومثله
ووصفك حكماً عالم علمه جهل
4. Your images are not true images, your knowledge is not true knowledge
You are a head, but to the virtuous, just a foot
٤. رسومك رسم لا رسوم معارف
وراس ولكن عند أهل النهى رجل
5. You took pride in wealth and power
And claimed to be the part all fear
٥. فخرت بمال وانتصرت بعزوةٍ
وقلت أنا الجزء الذي خافه الكل
6. If the treacherous cloak themselves in ignorance, may ruin befall them
No wealth or family can protect them
٦. إذا اتسج الغدار بالجهل فالبلا
عليه ولا مال يقيه ولا أهل
7. However high he rises, he remains fallen in the eyes
Like the sun's place, hidden by no shade
٧. ومهما تعالى فهو في العين ساقط
كموقع شمس لا يستره الظل