1. What happened in the house of the Chosen Prophet
A secret hung from the heavens of the people of wonder
١. ما قام في بيت النبي المجتبي
سر تدلى من سما اهل العبا
2. And overflowed in the era for the companions of revelation
Unless his beauty overflowed with strangeness
٢. وفاض في العصر لاصحاب الوحا
الا ومجلاه غريب الغربا
3. The state of Al-Murtada in his house
And the hidden planet in that ruin
٣. نمطة حال المرتضى في بيته
والكوكب المستور في ذاك الخبا
4. The master of the people of God in time and the one
Whom the immaculate virgin was exalted with
٤. سيد اهل الله في الوقت ومن
علت به الى البتول النجبا
5. The comfort of the saints' eyes, their crown
The most generous of people, whether present or absent
٥. قرة عين الاولياء تاجهم
اكرم اهل الحال اما وابا
6. The lofty Rafa'i cub
The sweetest poles of existence in drink
٦. شبل الرفاعي الرفيع المرتقى
اعذب اقطاب الوجود مشربا
7. Succor of the world, our guiding Mahdi, our Sheikh who
Was inspired by witnessing the existence
٧. غوث الورى المهدي شيخنا الذي
عن الوجود بالشهود انلسبا
8. The deputy of the crown of the Prophets in guidance
And the closest of people to Him in cause
٨. نائب تاج الانبياء بالهدى
واقرب القوم اليه سببا
9. The spirit laments him and seeks him urgently
As an abundant succor delegated to her
٩. تندبه الروح وتلفى عاجلا
غوثا لها مساعفا منتدبا
10. His abandonment distressed our weak eyes
And his separation was more distressing and distressing
١٠. ازعجنا هجرانه لعيينا
واحربا من هجره واحربا
11. My Master, O Rafa'i cub, a breath
With which the hearts' fatigue is removed
١١. مولاي يا شبل البتول نفحة
تجلو بها عن القلوب التعبا
12. For we called upon you, so be an intermediary
To your rightly guiding, trusted, chosen grandfather
١٢. فقد دعوناك فكن وسيلة
لجدك الهادي الامين المتجبى
13. And relieve our distress through God, for how much
With God's help you have removed distress
١٣. وفرجوا بالله كربنا فكم
بمدد الله كشفتم كربا
14. And take from the strung pearls a praise poem
That fills the perceptive heart with joy
١٤. وخذ من الدر النظيم مدحة
تملأ باللطف اللبيب طربا
15. And turn your attention to us, to bring salvation
With miracles, O Stranger of strangers!
١٥. وحول الطرف لنا اغاثة
بالخارقات يا غريب الغربا