1. The banner of glory and veneration is held
With all kinds of praise for Ahmed the Savior
١. لواء المجد والتعظيم يعقد
بأنواع الثنا للغوث أحمد
2. The Imam of the saints, the lion, the towering one
The father of both realms of knowledge, the one with the established pillar
٢. إمام الأوليا الأسد الرفاعي
أبى العلمين ذي الركن المشيد
3. A youth no matter how far back in time
His remembrance and glory are renewed
٣. فتى مهما تقادم وقت عصر
يرى فيه له الذكر المجدد
4. He is the ocean whose majesty grew
The profound pearls of his meaning are assembled
٤. هو البحر الذي عظمت جلالا
غوامض در معناه المنضد
5. He is the ink whose perfection expanded
The subtle ways of his supported path are threaded
٥. هو الحبر الذي كبرت كمالاً
دقائق سلك مذهبه المؤيد
6. He is the rain whose beauty overflowed
The truths of its lasting clouds are gifted
٦. هو الغيث الذي فاضت جمالاً
حقائق سحب نائله المؤبد
7. He is the inviolable sanctuary, whoever comes to him
With sincerity is delivered by his protection and made happy
٧. هو الحرم الأمين ومن أتاه
بصدق والنجا بحماه يسعد
8. He is the magnificent savior, the most excellent of the righteous
The highest of the poles, supreme and unmatched
٨. هو الغوث الجليل أبو المعالي
أجل الصالحين علا واوحد
9. Sovereignty and position were ruled
So the great poles are guided by him
٩. تسلطن رتبة وسما مقاما
ففيد أكابر الأقطاب ترشد
10. In his courts lies the cream of meanings
With waves till the Day of Judgment not frozen
١٠. وفي أبوابه زبد المعاني
بموج للقيامة ليس يجمد
11. The state of his rule has reached
For he is the one firm in every observatory
١١. علت أحوال دولته مكاناً
فكان هو المكين بكل مرصد
12. And how many great signs were revealed
For him, by the Day of Gathering his hand is praised
١٢. وكم من آية كبرى تجلت
له ويد ليوم الحشر تحمد
13. And it is enough pride for him in the deserts
That the right hand of Ahmed has extended
١٣. ويكفيه افتخاراً في البرايا
على الأفراد مد يمين أحمد
14. So whoever seeks the abundance of the Messenger
His sublime sanctuary they head to
١٤. فمن فيض الرسول بكل آن
رفيع رحابه المعمور يقصد
15. Likewise the house of the Messenger, their support
On the summit of glory with honor extends
١٥. كذا آل الرسول لهم إياد
على هام العلا بالعز تمتد
16. And their grandfather is the highest ranked Messenger
And the highest supported in the vast unknown
١٦. وجدهم أجل الرسل قدراً
وأعلاهم برحب الغيب مسند
17. May Allah send blessings upon him at all times
As long as the one praised recites his verse
١٧. عليه اللَه صلى كل آن
مدى ما ذكره الممدوح ينشد
18. And his noble companions and children
Through them my moonlit garden of bliss chirps
١٨. وأصحاب وأولد كرام
بهم قمري روض السعد غرد