
The beloved is near, yet distance keeps us apart

قرب الحبيب وقد تباعد وصله

1. The beloved is near, yet distance keeps us apart
My family promised him to me, and his to him

١. قرب الحبيب وقد تباعد وصله
وعدا به أهلي علي وأهله

2. I endured deprivation for his sake, and strayed from propriety
Passionately loving him, though the watcher reproved me for it

٢. وكلفت فيه ضنى وغبت عن السوى
وجداً وأزعجني الرقيب وعذله

3. I wanted to enjoy the fullness of youth with him
If not for the trysts of the gazelle and his gazing upon me

٣. وأردت أن أقضي جوي وصبابة
لولا مواعيد الغزال ومطله

4. I clung passionately to the love of him
And was drawn further by his rope

٤. علقت يدي معنى بحب غرامه
وتعلقت فامتد بعد حبله

5. My occupation became humbling myself on his path
While he kept his distance and acted coyly

٥. شغلي التذلل في سلوك طريقه
والصد عني والتدلل شغله

6. All people know my state with him and my affliction
And the one preoccupied with the world showed him harshness and contempt

٦. علم الورى حالي به وبليتي
وبدا لذي الدنيا جفاه وفعله

7. Humbled before my love though he be
In love he is not satisfied unless I kill myself for him

٧. متواضعاً لمحبه لكنه
في الحب لا يرضيه إلا قتله

8. Where can the cure for his malady be found
A woeful lover who has lost his mind?

٨. أين الشفا من دائه لمتيم
دنف كئيب ضاع منه عقله

9. Out of passion for him, constantly pining
I forgot all propriety and changed my ways

٩. ومن النوى لهفاً عليه ولوعةً
محيت مراسمه وغير شكله

10. While the birds of my love-crazed heart
Were wounded by his arrows from all sides

١٠. وله تخافق طير قلب مولع
جرحته من كل الجوانب نبله

11. To him I complain of him, and to the dust I complain of him
For his horses have raided the desert of my heart

١١. أشكو له منه وأشكوه الجوى
فلقد غزت صحرا فؤادي خيله

12. Oh God, how immense is the pain of his crime
Decreed by Destiny, and the hope of attaining him unreachable

١٢. اللَه من ألم تعاظم جرمه
حكماً ومن أمل تعذر نيله

13. Time has judged the generous one by making him
Fold his wings, unable see even his shadow

١٣. حكم الزمان على الكريم بأنه
يطوي الجناح وليس يبصر ظله

14. And the intention of the people was fulfilled on the morrow
Due to their ignorance, they reached their aim

١٤. وأثاب وغد القوم غاية قصده
فعلاً وأوصله لذلك جهله

15. Excuse this inauspicious time, for it
Always leads the despicable to beat their drums

١٥. عفواً عن الزمن الخؤون فإنه
أبدا إمام النذل يضرب طبله

16. And take refuge, my brother, when challenges arise
Pull back the discourse, withdrawing its tail

١٦. والجأ أخي إذا المهمة أسدلت
أردانها والخطب أسحب ذيله

17. By the vast, exalted status of Muhammed, Master of Creation
Who flooded the cosmos with his overflowing virtue

١٧. بعريض جاه محمد مولى الورى
من أغمر الأكوان طرا فضله

18. Teacher of the honored prophets, and Master of the
Greatest messengers, most lofty in stature

١٨. علم النبيين الكرام وسيد الر
رسل العظام ومن تسامى طوله

19. He is the savior when an unjust one transgresses
Your justice suffices to restrain him

١٩. وهو الغياث إذا تجاسر ظالم
وبغى بعدوته فحسبك عدله

20. A branch from the eternal light, origin of all
That exists, his lineage singularly pure

٢٠. فرع من النور القديم واصل كل
ل الكائنات وقد تفرد أصله

21. May Allah shower him with blessings for all
Time, and honor his family and followers

٢١. صلى عليه اللَه ما عم الرضى
بوجوده وأعز فيه أهله