1. O Mustafa, the raid, the raid
For fortune has exhausted its shackles of estrangement
١. الغارة الغارة يا مصطفى
فالحظ اعيته قيود الجفا
2. And the lion has become ferocious
And the fierce lion roars in the estranged forest
٢. واصبح الهر له زأرة
والليث مزوي بغاب الجفا
3. And his enemies have risen among the notables
Until the disease appeared with aspects of healing
٣. وقام في الاعيان اضدادها
حتى بدا الداء بطرز الشفا
4. And the expert has lost his way to safety
And the courageous has begun with a picture of pardon
٤. والخب قد تاه لأمن به
والشهم قد قام برسم عفا
5. O Mustafa, the Most Merciful of His creation
And the best of those to whom Allah has pledged loyalty
٥. يا مصطفى الرحمن من خلقه
وخير من لله عهدا وفا
6. With all knowledge you are its lantern
And every goblet is purely clear for you
٦. بكل علم انت نبراسه
وكل كاس لك غيبا صفا
7. And every sent servant has fulfilled
And every friend has followed your guidance
٧. وكل عبد مرسل قد قضى
وكل صديق هداك اقتفي
8. And all those with a state and heart in what
You have poured into it from your help are satisfied
٨. وكل ذي حال وقلب بما
افرغت فيه من نداك اكتفي
9. Arise with determination and spare me its extension
O Mustafa, the raid, the raid
٩. انهض بعزم واكفني مادها
الغارة الغارة يا مصطفى