
My heart's wound is healed by imagination,

اعلل بالخيال جريح قلبي

1. My heart's wound is healed by imagination,
But can a heart really be healed by imagination?

١. اعلل بالخيال جريح قلبي
وهل قلب يعلله الخيال

2. I'm jealous of the beauty that captures my love,
Oh God, the power of beauty!

٢. اغار على الفؤاد جمال حبي
ويا لله كم فعل الجمال

3. My love is fleeting,
My sighs for our separation are endless,

٣. اويقات لدى حبي قصار
وآهاتي لفرقته طوال

4. As if when I imagine him,
I'm a confused dreamer.

٤. كأني إذ أحاضره بفكري
أخو ذهل تخبطه خيال

5. I die for him and for her and I live on,
The kindness of love comes and goes.

٥. اموت لاجله ولها واحيا
ولطف الحب قطع واتصال

6. My soul rises with beauty towards it,
When its melodies are stilled by beauty.

٦. تثور مع الجمال اليه روحي
اذا امت مغانيه الجمال

7. I see him in all things with my eyes,
And the clear water makes me shine because of him.

٧. تراه بكل ذي الاشياء عيني
ويشرقني به الماء الزلال

8. His meanings make me weep, and my mind
Is humbled by the majesty of his rising.

٨. وتبكيني معانيه وعقلي
به لجلال طالعه انذهال

9. He commands whoever understands his state,
And lovers have no choice in their state.

٩. تحكم في من معناه حال
ولا بدعا فللعشاق حال

10. I confide my pain and passion in him,
And I have no shade in my confiding.

١٠. انازل فيه آلامي ووجدي
ومالي في منازلتي ظلال

11. Through loving him I became gentle and refined,
With no precedent or equal here.

١١. غدوت بحبه الفتان لطفا
فلا نسق هناك ولا مثال

12. Speaking of him made speech sweet for me,
So I composed poetry of his charming, permitted magic.

١٢. وطاب لي الكلام به فنظمي
بسيرة حبه السحر الحلال

13. Whenever the beloved is praised,
Praise is pleasant and space expands.

١٣. متى كان الحبيب محل مدح
يطيب المدح يتسع المجال

14. Oh you who meaning itself bows down to,
And you whose traits are alluring.

١٤. الا يا من يذل له المعنى
ويا من من خلائقة الدلال

15. Your estrangement is sweet to me my master,
Yet being apart from you torments me.

١٥. يطيب لديك يا مولاي هجري
واني منك يعذب لي الوصال

16. You cut off my affection without cause,
So let me ask you about this.

١٦. قطعت مودتي من غير ذنب
اذن لي منك في هذا سؤال

17. Pardon my deliberately cutting contact,
And the pleasure of this separation to you.

١٧. اعن كبر تعمدت انقطاعي
ولذ لديك هذا الانفصال

18. If that was aggression and injustice,
Time will inevitably unravel it.

١٨. فان يك ذاك عدوانا وظلما
تاود فالزمان له انفتال

19. Or come back and favor me with nearness,
To dissolve your anger at me.

١٩. والا فالتفت وامنن بقرب
يحل به لمضناك العقال

20. Let us rest, for we are tired,
And the enemy's talk has increased.

٢٠. ودعنا نستريح فقد تعبنا
وزاد منالعدى قيل وقال

21. By your life, this world is an illusion,
And the fate of all in it is to pass away.

٢١. لعمرك هذه الدنيا خيال
وغاية كل ما فيها زوال