
Tell my beloved Duniya

قل لمحبوب دني

1. Tell my beloved Duniya
That she neglected the faith and was ungrateful

١. قل لمحبوب دني
اهمل الدين وعابا

2. And recklessly shot the arrow of
Evil desire once she betrayed

٢. ورمى طيشا بسهم ال
بغي مذ خان فخابا

3. How well we knew you, how you were
Manifestation and concealment

٣. كم عرفناك كما ان
ت انكشافا وانحجابا

4. You claim to be civilized when before you were ruined
You missed the heart though it

٤. تدعى عمران حال
قبل قد كان خرابا

5. Was attracted by your words
The heart fell in love with the open desert

٥. فاتك القلب وقد ان
شد قولا بك طابا

6. After it grew young and youthful
You were a beloved and became

٦. عشق القلب الربابا
بعد ان شابت وشابا

7. An old man playing tricks
And your time has passed while the

٧. كنت محبوبا وقد اص
بحت شيخا يتصابا

8. Lover has repented from the likes of you
His heart told him to let go

٨. ومضى وقتك وال
عاشق عن مثلك تابا

9. And it spoke correctly
The traitor is certainly evil

٩. قلبه قال له اطرحه
وقد قال صوابا

10. So the dogs have abandoned him
If he initiates a discourse

١٠. انما الخائن خب
فضلوا عنه الكلابا

11. He will see no response
Ungrateful for blessings, with evil

١١. ان تصدى لخطاب
لا يرى عنه جوابا

12. He will surely face difficulties
And God will show him with justice

١٢. كافر النعمة عن خب
ث لقد يلقى الصعابا

13. Punishment and torment
The mirage of the desert that

١٣. ويريه الله بالعد
ل عقابا وعذابا

14. He mistakes for water
And the unbeliever will say "Oh

١٤. وسراب القاع قد
يحسبه وهما شرابا

15. I wish I were dust"

١٥. ويقول الكافر يا
ليتني كنت ترابا