
The Sovereign granted Ahmad through his appearance,

منح المهيمن أحمدا بظهوره

1. The Sovereign granted Ahmad through his appearance,
For he is the beloved, and his light is from His light.

١. منح المهيمن أحمداً بظهوره
فهو الحبيب ونوره من نوره

2. And He cloaked him in amazing veils of grace,
Spread over his intimates and newly arrived.

٢. وطواه في أستار باهر نعمة
نشرت على آصاله وبكوره

3. And He established him as His deputy in His affairs,
And aided him through his tranquility and passage.

٣. وأقامه عنه خليفة أمره
وأعانه بسكونه ومروره

4. Through him I attained the hidden knowledge from creation,
And through his infallibility He saved him from his foreordained decree.

٤. وأنا به العلم الخفي عن الورى
وبعصمة نجاه من مقدوره

5. He bent for him the necks of all the wilderness,
And He has already undertaken all his matters.

٥. ولوى له هام البرية كلها
ولقد تولاه بكل أموره

6. And for his sake He created existence wisely,
Extending the carpet of its years and months.

٦. ولأجله صاغ الوجود بحكمةٍ
مدت بساط سنينه وشهوره

7. He is that divine tablet upon which
God wrote all of its lines.

٧. هو ذلك اللوح الإلهي الذي
كتب الإله عليه كل سطوره

8. The secret of the Sublime, His servant, chosen one,
And beloved, the victorious in His management.

٨. سر الجليل وعبده وصفيه
وحبيبه المنصور في تدبيره

9. And the most high, holy state
Which has overcome with its little and abundant might.

٩. والدولة القدسية العليا التي
غلبت ببأس قليله وكثيره

10. And he is the bride in the unseen presence
For whom the Generous spread an honorable curtain.

١٠. وهو العروس بحضرة غيبية
نشر الكريم لها شريف ستوره

11. And he is the sparkling illumination in the Sinai of the unseen
And the sheer essence, simple in its condition.

١١. وهو الضيا اللماع في سينا الخفا
والجوهر المحض البسيط بطوره

12. He is the reality of realities and the ascent
In the corners of the line from its transcription.

١٢. وهو الحقيقة للحقائق والرقي
قة في زوايا الخط من مسطوره

13. Help upon him, O brother of responsibilities in testing,
And for you is safety from fate and its occurrences.

١٣. عون عليه أخا المهمة في البلا
ولك الأمان من القضا وصدوره

14. And take refuge in the shade of his lofty tents
Shelter of existence, its mighty and lowly.

١٤. والجأ بظل رحابه العالي الذرا
ملجأ الوجود جليله وحقيره