1. More slender than an eastern Najdi youth,
And more pliant than a wand of pliant cane,
١. أرق من الصبا النجدي طبعاً
والين من قضيب البان خصرا
2. He folded morning in his cheek's expanse
And brought forth dawn beneath his hair's dark night.
٢. طوى في صبح صحن الخد شمساً
فأطلع تحت ليل الشعر فجرا
3. The gazelle's glide is his, Rim's eyes are his,
A Houri's charm, a fawn's allure are his.
٣. له جد الغزال وعين ريم
وهزة سمهري ودلال حورا
4. When his smile opens we behold displayed
Small pearls of wine set out in order due.
٤. إذا ما افتر مبسمه أرانا
صغار جواهر سورن خمرا
5. By God, he has kohl in his eyes that could
Destroy, with a single glance, Khusraw's great host.
٥. إلا للَه منه كحيل عين
بكسر الطرف يكسر جيش كسرى