
The moon of glory, its light has set

قمر المجد انطوت انواره

1. The moon of glory, its light has set
Alas, the sublime flags shrouded in burial cloth

١. قمر المجد انطوت انواره
آه والهف المعالي بالكفن

2. Thus the world was darkened, for
People were shaken by intense grief

٢. ولذا اظلمت الدنيا وقد
زلزلت بالناس من فرط الحزن

3. Eulogizing a great, noble elder
Whose excellent reputation filled the lands

٣. ونعت شيخا كبيرا سيدا
ملأ الاقطار بالصيت الحسن

4. He is of the family of Ali, a relative
Connected to Hussein and Hasan

٤. هو في آل علي معرق
ذو اتصال بالحسين والحسن

5. Khalidi, Qurashi, of noble ancestry
And trusted with the secrets of sublimity

٥. خالدي قرشي واصل
وعلى سر المعالي مؤتمن

6. Indifferent to the world with sincerity, his heart
Contained no worldly price

٦. طلق الدنيا باخلاص وما
عنده في القلب للدنيا ثمن

7. He served God sincerely and passed judgment
We loved him, safe from all strife

٧. عامل الله بصدق وقضى
نحبه بالامن من كل الفتن

8. Such are my Lord's beloveds, Exalted is He
Who granted people favors and bounties

٨. هكذا احباب ربي جل من
محسن اتحف قوما بالمنن

9. Among them this desired master
Lofty in rank, teacher of the age

٩. منهمو هذا الولي المرتضى
علوي الشان استاذ الزمن

10. His soul pure, present
When the afflicted seeks him in distress

١٠. روحه طاهرة حاضرة
حينما يدعوه موثوق المحن

11. Knowing his history, alive, so say
May God's mercy be upon the saint Hasan

١١. عارف تاريخه حي فقل
رحمة الله على القطب حسن