1. The meanings' secrets are revealed through evidence
And within a person is a lineage's vein
١. خفايا المعاني تنجلي بالدلائل
وفي المرء سر من عروق الفصائل
2. Some people deny the era and their ways
Through it the astute know the affair of the predecessors
٢. تنكر قوم بالزمان وطورهم
به يعرف الحذاق شأن الاوائل
3. In any case, the magnanimous lament what has passed
And in every state is death for the virtuous
٣. على أي حال يندب الشهم ما مضى
وفي كل حال مقتل للفواضل
4. Glory's morning shone with its tears
And became sickly, heading down with inactive mind
٤. وقد شرق المجد الاثيل بدمعه
وبات عليلا ناكصا راس خامل
5. And the rocks' numbness started speaking
While meanings became silent, unable to speak
٥. واصبح جلمود الحجارة ناطقا
وقس المعاني صامتا غير قائل
6. The destinies' wonders, their symbols are obscure
Minds, from every rational one, wander astray about them
٦. عجائب اقدار خفايا رموزها
تتيه لها الافكار من كل عاقل
7. The matter was decreed to submit to God, for He
Does the act while the creature is not the doer
٧. قضى الامر بالتسليم لله انه
له الفعل والمخلوق ليس بفاعل
8. To God is the complaint of one seeking refuge in His might
And His glory from the terrible tribulations
٨. الى الله شكوى المستجير بطوله
وعزته من موبقات النوازل
9. To God is the complaint of one taking shelter in His Messenger
The guide prophet, the best of means
٩. الى الله شكوى لائذٍ برسوله
نبي الهدى المحمود خير الوسائل
10. To God is the complaint of one taking asylum in His Guardian
Father of the two knowledges, the aid, sweet watering places
١٠. الى الله شكوى لاجىءٍ بوليه
ابي العلمين الغوث عذب المناهل
11. An Imam, the era's distance extended graciously for him
For him is the chosen one’s comfort among the caravans
١١. امام بعيد العصر مدت تفضلا
له راحة المختار بين القوافل
12. Grandson of Ali, the sheikh of his house’s notables
Rifa’i, sons of Hussein, the valiant
١٢. حفيد علي شيخ اعيان بيته
رفاعي ابناء الحسين البواسل
13. A young man who adorned the most high with wisdom’s necklaces
From the rules, which let no words remain for any speaker
١٣. فتى طوّق العليا قلائد حكمة
من الشرع ما ابقت مقالا لقائل
14. The envious ones’ imagination is frightened of his like
And where is the covetous from the outstretcher’s hand?
١٤. يهش خيال الحاسدين لمثله
واين الثريا من يد المتناول
15. He ascended the glory's saddle uniquely in his time
And after him, O loss, the like of his kind
١٥. تسنم متن المجد فردا بعصره
ومن بعده يا فقد نوع المماثل
16. I did not know he was like the morning
While the ignoramus' glance was pretending not to see
١٦. وما جهلته انفس وهو كالضحى
وقد تتعامى مقلة المتجاهل
17. The pure veins grew him
Great and unique, having no issues
١٧. نمته العروق الطاهرات لمحتد
عظيم وحيد ماله من مشاكل
18. To the two best Hasans, his lineage
Through it, the assemblies' eggs in the universe scented
١٨. الى الحسنين الاحسنين انتسابه
به عطرت في الكون بيض المحافل
19. Descendent of forefathers, the revelation's mine, their abode
And their dwelling in the land is the best dwellings
١٩. سليل جدود معدن الوحي بيثهم
ومنزلهم في الأرض خير المنازل
20. Gray hair protected the field of every virtue
And was closest in mystic knowledge, the lengtheners' arms are too short
٢٠. هزبر حمى ميدان كل فضيلة
واقصر بالعرفان باع المطاول
21. And the sheikh rose in the Opening's assembly to a position
Whose remoteness in its length is beyond equivalence
٢١. وشيخ سما في محفل الفتح رتبة
نأت في تناهي طولها عن معادل
22. Of the distinct people whose affection for Him
Is the best means, in the sight of God
٢٢. من النفر الغر الذين ودادهم
لدى القصد عند الله خير الوسائل
23. Through him the distressed gains comfort and through him the protected is guarded
And through him the needy is given all hopes
٢٣. يعان به العاني ويحمى به الحمى
ويعطى به المحتاج كل المآمل
24. Through him is the truthfulness state that built for us
A minaret above the reach of the ambitious
٢٤. له دولة الصدق التي شيدت لنا
منارا على عن مدرك المتطاول
25. For him is the honor whose glories of his glory spread
And the travelers went on with it despite the dissenters
٢٥. له شرف شاعت مآثر مجده
وسارت به الركبان رغم المخاتل
26. Through him the lions of each clan roared
So what harm can a few dogs do to him?
٢٦. به لهجت آساد كل فصيلة
فما ضره نج الكلاب القلائل
27. Yes, they envied his forefathers, the flowers before him
And the mangy are envious of those with anklets
٢٧. اجل حسدوا آباؤه الزهر قبله
وقد تحسد اللخناء ذات الخلاخل
28. And do they envy people in whom are kindnesses
That removed the masks from complexities for the questioner?
٢٨. وام يحسدون الناس فيها رقائق
كشفن قناع المشكلات لسائل
29. Ask glory about Rifa'i's excellence and ascent
And ask the shining white blades at the time of fervor
٢٩. سل المجد عن فضل الرفاعي والعلا
وسل ساعة الهيجاء بيض المناصل
30. And ask every obscure science and truth
You will see he is for the collection of all the greatest guarantor
٣٠. وسل كل علم غامض وحقيقة
تراه لجمع الكل أعظم كافل
31. He is the blooming knowledge and the guide
To whom the people of God tied the necks of their riding camels
٣١. هو العلم الخفاق والمرشد الذي
له شد اهل الله شهب الرواحل
32. He is the master, hoped for is his abundance
For every glory in conduct and connection
٣٢. هو السيد الندب المؤمل فيضه
لكل مجد في السلوك وواصل
33. Whenever a day his mention comes up in assemblies
Then in it the scent of affection's roses spread
٣٣. اذا مر يوما في المجالس ذكره
فقد رش فيها عطر ورد الخمائل
34. The manners of the best of messengers through him shone
Their stars for people without any obstacles
٣٤. خلائق خير المرسلين به انجلت
كواكبها للناس من دون حائل
35. For them in the horizons marvels flew
For them are arguments that prove the boasting liars shame
٣٥. وطارت لها في الخافقين خوارق
لها حجج تقضي بخزي المباهل
36. And of the Chosen's miracles is that his secret
Flowed with determination's continuous penetration
٣٦. ومن معجزات المصطفى ان سره
سرى بنفوذ الهمة المتواصل
٣٧. ينادي ويبدو السر منه مؤيدا
بعزم جليل للعواجز شامل
٣٨. لنا الفخر انا ننتهي لجنابه
وحسب العلا عضبا لقطع المناضل
٣٩. عليه رضا الرحمن ينهل ساقيا
حضيرته الكبرى باشرف وابل
٤٠. ويشمل اسلافا له وبقية
اليه عزثهم طاهرات السلاسل