1. My wounded heart, and you are the sublime one
Rather you, O sweet of beauty, are my antidote
١. قلبي اللديغ وانت انت الراقي
بل انت يا حلو اللمى ترياقي
2. And your life, my sincere heart is infatuated
With you besides you it melts with yearning
٢. وحياتك القلب الكليم مهيم
بك عن سواك يذوب بالاشواق
3. For you it has a great status, glorious is its affair
You have shone and you are still the sublime one
٣. لك فيه منزلة عظيم شأنها
شمخت وانت الى ذراها الراقي
4. I have tied it to you wherever you are in all of it
For you my beloved the presence of freedom
٤. قيدته بك حيث انت بكله
لك يا حبيبي حضرة الاطلاق
5. O you who turns away from me without a sin, so
Your glance towards me is an ember of burning
٥. يا معرضا عني بلا ذنب اما
لفتتك نحوي جذوة الاحراق
6. You have been excessive in torment without injustice, so
With you there is no mercy upon lovers
٦. افرطت بالتعذيب عن ظلم فما
بك رحمة انا على العشاق
7. O night, I have been patient with your length sleepless
And my tears are flowing from the eyelids
٧. يا ليل قد صابرت طولك ساهرا
ومدامعي تجري من الاماق
8. And those who blame have departed, their caravan carries
With its cargo the white flower, Narcissus
٨. والظاعنون سروا ويحمل ركبهم
بمهامه البيداء زهر نياق
9. They have taken the path and after them I have tears
That have watered the pebbles of the road for the narcissus
٩. طرقوا الطريق ولي دموع بعدهم
رشت فجاج الدرب للطراق
10. They have taken my heart, so it is among their belongings
Pledged, and from me they have melted the rest
١٠. اخذوا فؤادي فهو ضمن رحالهم
رهن ومني قد اذابوا الباقي
11. And a gazelle among the caravan ignited my love
From it the gentle smiling radiance
١١. وغزيل في الركب اجج اوعتي
منه لطيف المبسم البراق
12. How much it laughed when it saw me crying
And the plains were sprinkled with my dripping tears
١٢. كم راح يضحك اذ يراني باكياً
والقاع رش بدمعي الرقراق
13. And how much I mentioned to it concerns of its diversion
With its side, so it found sweet my enslavement
١٣. ولكم ذكرت له شؤُن تولهي
بجنابه فاستعذب استرقاقي
14. It possessed my slavery so it was excessive in harm
And lost the loftiness of my towering entitlement
١٤. ملكته رقي فافرط بالاذى
واضاع رفعة شامخ استحقاقي
15. It claimed the glories of beauty, but
The honor of perfection is noble manners
١٥. زعم المعالي بالجمال وانما
شرف الكمال مكارم الاخلاق