
The new days reveal colors

كر الجديدين تبدو منه الوان

1. The new days reveal colors
And every secret has patterns and titles

١. كر الجديدين تبدو منه الوان
وكل سر له طرز وعنوان

2. Wonders from the unknown's pockets have emerged
Whoever complies sees them shining

٢. عجائب من خدور الغيب بارزة
تلوح يهشدها من فيه اذعان

3. I complain to God of the difficult time I encountered
And goodness has its time and era

٣. اشكو الى الله ما لاقيت من زمن
صعب وللخير اوقات وازمان

4. The night becomes darker and the sun rises
And people became opposite to how they were

٤. الليل يدجو وتبدو الشمس طالعة
والناس صاروا على معكوس ما كانوا

5. Many of them brothers without harmony
Naturally, and they betrayed harmony in a phase

٥. كم منهم قام اخوان بلا الف
طبعا وللالف عن طور بهم خانوا

6. Leave them my brother, and go busy with God
For He is the helper, and there are no helpers among people

٦. دعهم اخي ورح بالله مشتغلا
فهو المعين وما في الناس اعوان

7. And be like me, relying on the Merciful
For every person has his own matter in his phase

٧. وصر كشأني على الرحمن متكلا
فكل شخص له في طوره شان

8. Stand at the door of the Messenger of God in manners
Grow up with kindness and benevolence

٨. وقف بباب رسول الله عن ادب
فترب اعتابه بر واحسان

9. Whenever adversity undermines me
My white faith backs me

٩. اني اذا سامني ضيم الوذ به
ولي بنجدته البيضاء ايمان

10. My mediator is the honorable, high ranked gentleman
Two lights from whom the Quran came to us

١٠. وللجناب الرفيع القدر واسطتي
نورين من قد اتانا فيه قرآن

11. The Prophet's son-in-law and the owner of the two grandchildren, and who
His corners became high in the holiness of Jerusalem

١١. صهر النبي ولي البضعتين ومن
علت له في زوايا القدس اركان

12. And this is Othman's hand, for him
The pots became stable, and the palace collapsed

١٢. وهذه يد عثمان استقر له
بها الفخار وعنه انحط كيوان

13. The treasure of modesty, the abundant of generosity, the spring
Of loyalty, and who is devoted to God

١٣. كنز الحياء وفياض العطاء ونبر
اس الوفاء ومن بالله ولهان

14. He ascended by gifting Quraish from its first ones
He has a house in the course of glory

١٤. سما بمنح قريش من اوائله
بيت له في مدر المجد ديوان

15. And the Chosen One honored his traits
The origin is adorned in this group

١٥. وشرفته من المختار جامعة
بالاصل فالاصل في ذا الجمع يزدان

16. Modesty adorned his prominence with its elegance
And in modesty with faith there is knowledge

١٦. زان الحياء معاليه برونقه
وفي الحياء مع الايمان عرفان

17. He judged patiently as the book of God commanded him
I call upon him while my heart is confused and overloaded

١٧. قضى صبورا كما قد نص مبتهلا
امامه من كتاب الله فرقان

18. And my thoughts are heavy and my tongue is perplexed
O the third caliph, the flower, take my hand

١٨. ادعوه واللب مذهول ومن ثقل الا
وزار فكري والهفاه حيران

19. And have mercy on my yearning, for days are hostile
And on my judgement day, be my aide, maybe kindness

١٩. يا ثالث الخلفاء الزهر خذ بيدي
وارحم حنيني فللايام عدوان

20. Deletes my sins by forgiveness of the Merciful

٢٠. ويوم حشري فكن عوني عسى كرما
يمحو ذنوبي من الرحمن غفران