1. O brother of opinion, leave this time and its people
And bid it farewell, do not glance at it whole
١. اخا الرأي دع هذا الزمان واهله
وودعه لا ترمق بعينك كله
2. And do not sever the rope from the place of birth
If the free honorable man becomes an expatriate, ways will appear to him
٢. ولا تقطعن من مسقط الرأس حبله
إذا اغترب الحر الكريم بدت له
3. That will scatter depression, spoiling his certainty
If his religion does not make him steadfast and preserve him
٣. يشتت منهن اكتئابا يقينه
اذا لم يثبته ويحفظه دينه
4. Friends are dispersed, and the ignoble demean him
And if he dies, none will rend their garments for him
٤. فهاهن والله العظيم يعينه
تفرق احباب ونذل يهينه
٥. وان مات لم يشقق عليه ثياب